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It was Sabrina's first Thanksgiving in Ferryport Landing, and other than her grandmother's outlandish cooking, she was excited - mostly because she had an excuse to dress up. She didn't like dressing nicely and doing her hair every day, because nobody had time for that. But she liked looking nice every once and a while. And since she had been in foster homes for a year and a half, it had indeed been a while since she'd gotten to wear nice clothes.
Relda had informed them that Snow, Charming, Mr. Seven, and Hamstead would be having dinner with them. Although Charming was reluctant about the idea, Snow made him tag along.
Puck had put stink bugs in Sabrina's pillow that morning, so she took about half a dozen showers to get the rancid smell off. She dressed in a wide necked, three quarter sleeved raspberry pink shirt and skin tight black jeans with black converse. After braiding Daphne's hair, Sabrina pulled her hair back into a single fish tail braid. She smiled at herself in the mirror and contemplated putting makeup on, but she heard the doorbell ring and knew she wouldn't have time.
Sabrina and Daphne raced into the hall and Puck emerged from his room. He wasn't covered in dirt, but his hair was still messy and he was still wearing his trademark green hoodie with dark blue ripped jeans.
Puck looked Sabrina up and down, then pretended that he didn't even see her before walking down the stairs. Sabrina felt her face getting hot, but she wouldn't admit it.
"Oooh, he totally just checked you out," Daphne teased her. "Pretty soon you'll be all kissy kissy with eachother."
Sabrina turned red as a tomato and glared daggers at her giggling sister. "Let's just go," she said, taking Daphne's wrist and dragging her sister down the stairs.
Dinner went well, but what happened afterwards is more important.
"Sabrina, Puck, could you please do the dishes? Relda asked sweetly. Sabrina didn't want to impose, especially because their guests were still there, so she agreed. Puck, on the other hand, was not too fond of that idea.
"I am the Trickster King; I am royalty! Royalty do not do dishes!" he cried. He kept shouting as everyone calmly placed their plates on the counter and walked into the other room. Puck stood there, dumbfounded. Sabrina snickered.
"Okay, fairy boy. Will you help me with the dishes if I give you my desserts for a month?" Sabrina offered. Puck thought for a moment before turning to face her.
"Two months."
"Alright, two months," Sabrina sighed. "I'll dry them and you wash them, okay?" She said, handing Puck a dish cloth. He nodded and they both rolled up their sleeves.
It went calmly for a few minutes. Sabrina would occasionally point out a spot he missed and Puck would bitterly scrub the cranberry sauce (it was always cranberry sauce) off of the plate, but other than that, they didn't bother eachother.
Then, Puck whipped Sabrina in the thigh with a wet towel. She was mad that he had hit her, but she was mostly mad at how much it stung. So, she hit him over the head with a ladle. Puck attempted to hit her with the towel again, but Sabrina blocked it with a pan.
They went back and forth for a while, until Sabrina grabbed a large knife from the sink and gripped it like she was going to plunge it into Puck's shoulder. He stepped back and Sabrina realized what she was about to do.
She dropped the knife back into the sink and watched the fear in Puck's eyes dissolve. The two returned to doing the dishes, and didn't bother eachother for the rest of the evening.

The next Thanksgiving, Puck was gone with Jake, so Daphne helped Sabrina with the dishes. They did the dishes together for the next ten years, then Puck and Jake returned. So, for Thanksgiving 2021 Sabrina and Puck did the dishes while everyone else was in the other room.
Puck glanced at the soaked towel in his hand, then at Sabrina's thigh, then back at the towel. He shot her a playful wink and smirk. Sabrina picked up the ladle what was still dented from when she had hit him with it eleven years prior. Then the two of them glanced at the large knife on the edge of the sink. Sabrina nudged it slightly and it fell into the sink with a klank. She turned back to Puck and held out her ladle. "En garde."
Puck smiled. It wasn't like his usual playful smirk, it was a genuine soft smile that made Sabrina's heart melt. "Ready when you are, Grimm."

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