chapter six👑

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               <THE NEW QUEEN>

      I entered the house, feeling like a new "Queen"... Jogging up the stairs. I did not realize the day has gotten a little darker.

"Hey madam!" mum called, cart walking out of the kitchen and I jerked, almost loosing my balance.

     I sighed out of relief, holding my chest. "Mummy... That was creepy" I expressed while panting.

     She did not feel sorry, rather she spoke sternly, in our native dialect: "where are you coming from? Do you realize the day is dark already?"

     Okay maybe she is mad at me, because she only uses our dialect on me when she is upset.

"It is just 7:30pm mummy. I strolled a little-"

"Did you just reply me back in English young lady? Where is all this coming from?" She cut me off as I tried to explain myself.

"Sorry ma. It won't happen again." I said apologetically in Igbo language.

     Her mood softened. "And by the way, you finished my last dessert. Why is that?"

"Really? Since you made them, I have not even tasted one. So...." I shrugged in conclusion.

"Are you hungry? Am making noodles."

"Yes. Let me bathe, am coming ma." I said and went upstairs, out of her sight.

"And Queen, Mrs Brenda is coming tomorrow!" She said aloud and I heard her clearly from my room.

"Why?! It is supposed to be next week again!!" I said back aloud.

"Yes, but I called her! I don't understand you these days!! you're hiding something!!!"

     I sighed heavily and sank into my bed. "It is worth it," the sticker on my ceiling says so. It even glows at night to keep reminding me that truly, whatever you are doing, is worth the stress, the pain, the struggle, the smile- in fact everything that makes us feel alive is "worth it."

                         * * * * * *

        I woke up lazily as I grumbled out of bed. I raked my fingers through my thick, full hair. I entered into my bathroom and picked up my toothbrush, with a toothpaste on it. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror faintly and started brushing my teeth thoroughly. As I was done, I went back into my room and my phone beeped on my bedside table. I went to pick it up and I saw that the message was from Jamil.

"My house later, gotta train for match🏉."

"Really?🤷 Today is Sunday asshat🤦"  I replied back to the email.

"Oh! Am sorry church girl😇"

      I dropped the phone down, ignoring his last message.
                        * * * * * *

     After church services, Mrs Brenda came to the house like mummy told me she would. I went downstairs and I saw her and my mummy discussing.

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