chapter nine👑

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As usual, I and Jamil went to school together, and we went early because we had a biology pratical on the dissection of rat for all O'levels students. Ss3 A1, B2, C4. Unfortunately for me, we were grouped into numbers and I got to work with the worst people ever. Mia, Hero and the rest of them five in my group. Jamil was in another group entirely.

We were waiting for our turn when Mia walked up to me. "Hey", she said, mannerlessly and I skank eyed her. "Before I proceed, do you mind taking your tie up a little bit? You're in school". She commanded me and I obeyed regarding the fact that she is still the head girl of the school.

Everyone has high hopes of her being our valedictorian after school but not me.

"Good. So wat sup?" She sat down beside me, blowing bubbles with her gum and making silly noises in my ear that I chose to ignore. "You know you should braid your hair or you're going to get me in trouble". She twirled her index finger through my thick hair and I brushed it off politely.
"Not like it's any of your business, but I will". I say motionlessly.
She laughed maliciously. "Of course you will".

"Hey Queen, did I give you any money this morning? I've been looking for it". Jamil appeared unexpectedly in front of us.
"Yes you did. It's in my school bag", I answered.
"Okay then. Later". He was about leaving us when Mia cooed as always, "hey Jamil.." And he turned to stare at her. "What's up?" He smiled.
She shrugged slowly. "never been better" she replied when he has already gone and she turned back to me. "So you and Jamil, are now a thing?.... I mean don't get me wrong- but I think a lot of girls will be wierded out by their boyfriend being intimate with someone else".

Right! Funny. Time to burst your bubble bitch!

"Jamil is not my boyfriend" I stated.
"But you guys seem pretty close". She said again.
"As a matter of fact yes. We're neighbors". Her mood changed like I wiped that bitchy smile, she was putting on earlier off her face. "I could help you talk to him if you like him". I said sarcastically, trying to hide my laughter but she noticed.
She stood up, straightened her skirt and cleared her throat. "He's not my type". And she left in shame. Trying to act all normal and tough! Come back bitch! I have your time. I hissed victoriously.

After practical, I went into my classroom and saw a note under my desk. I opened it and read in my mind:
"Queen to be honest, am so disappointed in you. Of all the people you could hang out with you chose Jamil of all people and now I know your dirty secret! Am sorry, but it was your decision and you'll have to dance to the tune of your inability to choose wisely. Have your last fun for today cause tomorrow...... Hahaha".

I looked round my class after reading this letter and everyone seem to be doing something important. These is creepy. Who could've written this? Could it be Mia? No... Her handwriting is bolder. What could this mean? I couldn't help but get terrified in a way.

After school, I was walking home with Jamil and we stopped at an ice cream centre to buy ice cream. "Here", Jamil handed me mine but I was lost in thoughts and he patted my shoulder. "Take". He stretched his hand and I collected it.
"Are you OK?" He asked me when we were walking home.
"Yes am fine". I answered without looking at him.
"You look depressed. Did something happen?" He asked again, concerned.
"I saw you and Mia today. You know you can tell me if she said something nasty, I'll confront her".
I shook my head. "She said nothing".
"Okay. Since you won't tell me, I'll be waiting around the corner, till you spill it". He shrugged it off. "We're friends remember?"
Are we?? I glanced at him. "Yea... O'course".

At night, I was busy watching TV in the sitting room when my mum came out of the blue. "Baby.. You haven't slept?" She yawned sleepily.
"No. I just could not sleep".

She went into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. "You should go to bed", she insisted. "Do you want me to invite Mrs Brenda tomorrow? Its been weeks now". she came out of the kitchen and sat down beside me.
"That is not necessary mum. Am doing fine lately".
"I know. I was just suggesting. You look a little less happy to me".
I scoffed. "Mum.. You're talking like I know what it feels like to be happy".
"Of course! Now look, we're not having these conversation. It's very late. Go to bed" she stood up and turned off the TV with the remote and we both went upstairs.

At school, the next day, everyone was acting different. Something was going on that I was oblivious to. And to make things worse, Jamil did not call me for school today. That is weird.

During lunch break, i went down to the library to look for Jamil, but I did not see him and then I went to the canteen and all eyes were on me.

"Oh! There she is.." A student whispered to another and I heard it. I wanted to walk up to them and ask what was going on but katherine splashed her canned juice in my face.

"Ohh!!" Everyone gasped in awe.

She chuckled with her hands clasping over her mouth in amusement. "Oops!" Was all she could utter.
"Apologize". I requested.
"Ohh! My bad. I don't feel sorry buff!" She cussed and everyone laughed.

"There's no need for the apology cause I heard you have mind blindness. Is that true?" Hero said from a distance and I was stunned.

How did he know? Jamil must have told him. Before I could utter a word, another person said, "and I also heard you can't feel a thing. Is that true too?" He mocked and everyone burst into a hysterical laughter.
This is a nightmare. I turned to leave but bumped into Jamil and he held me for stability.

"Hey Queen am so sorry I didn't call you today-" he stopped when he saw the expression on my face. "What's wrong?..." He asked hoarsely out of concern and my palm came in contact with his face.
"You told them my one and only flaw?! that explains why you didn't call me for school today! How could you? You just want me to feel humilated! But guess what? I don't feel a thing! And guess what again... We aren't friends anymore. We were never even friends, you just had to sneak your way into my life!" I yelled breathlessly without giving him a chance to defend himself and I left the canteen.
To be honest, I feel broken but I just couldn't cry.. And am glad that for a moment, I feel pain.

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