𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒. 𝑛𝑒𝑤𝑠.

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...he wanted her to jump into his arms. but she didn't. she just stood there, shocked. how is he here? did jas or mattia not bother telling her that they knew him? y/n thought to herself. she didn't say a word. instead she just turned to mattia and jas in disbelief. "wow" was all she said. was this the surprise or what. y/n walked towards the stairs. mattia, jas, kairi, and the boys all staring at her.

"you haven't introduced yourself, y/n.." varo said to y/n confused. she shook her head and motioned for varo to come with her. varo followed behind her. he gave everyone a confused look but continued walking up the stairs to y/n's room. y/n felt tears approaching her eyes, thinking of how jas and mattia didn't tell her. she was happy he was here but upset that she didn't know sooner about the boys' and kairi's friendship. varo on the other hand... he didn't understand half of the things happening right now. he felt bad that y/n was crying but he didn't know why, so he couldn't really help.

once they got close to the room, y/n couldn't help but cry louder and harder. she sat against the wall and cried for a few minutes before varo decided to talk to her. "hey i have no idea what's happening but you can talk to me, y/n. im serious.. talk to me." he said wrapping his arms around y/n.

"im just mad that jas and mattia hid the fact.. t-that you and the rest of the boys are friends with kairi.." y/n said, her voice cracking in the beginning.

"wait you know him?" varo said even more confused.

"yes, varo.. he's the guy im talking to" y/n said trying to hold in the rest of her tears. varo looked surprised but tried to hide it so he can prove that it's not a big deal and that it would be okay..

"you can cry, y/n. and i doubt mattia tried to hide it from you. he doesn't sugar code things, he gets straight to what he needs to say. so if he needed to say we were friends with him, he would. jas on the other hand, she doesn't like to get direct. just talk to kairi. he seemed upset when you left." varo said walking over to the stairs. he looked over to where everyone was and he saw kairi looking down, with his hands in his pockets.

"tell kairi to just meet me in the room.." y/n said slowly getting up. she started to walk towards her room. varo nodded and walked downstairs to speak to kairi.

"aye, does she not like me?" kairi said. he looked up to varo, upset.

"she told me to tell you to meet her in the room. your room number is #232" varo said. kairi speed walked upstairs impatiently. i really want to talk to her, maybe she doesn't like me anymore though.. kairi thought. no, because she wouldn't have asked me to meet her upstairs. kairi told himself, trying to prove himself that their relationship hasn't gotten damaged.

kairi got to the door. the door was slightly open, toilet paper holding it open so it wouldn't shut close. kairi chuckled at the toilet paper and walked inside. he slowly walked towards the bed where y/n was sitting. she was rubbing her hands on her pants and she looked like she was sweating. her face and her palms were turning red. kairi rushed over to her and grabbed her hands. "im here, im here. you're okay.." kairi said trying to help her. she couldn't stop though, she pulled away from him. even if she wanted to be held by him, she wouldn't be able to talk to him. she would sugar code things, like jas. y/n continued to rub her hands on her pants. kairi sighed and walked to the other corner of the bed.

"im really sorry for walking away, i was just angry with mattia and jas. and a bit with you too.." y/n said turning around to look at kairi. kairi's face was red.

"what'd i do?" said kairi. he started scooting closer to y/n.

"im upset that you didn't tell me alejandro and mattia were your friends. when you saw those pictures? yeah well, i thought you didn't know them so i didn't think it was even such a big deal.."

"i didn't think it was important.. i didn't think you would come to florida for me, y/n." it was quiet for a while before kairi scooted even closer to y/n. their thighs were now touching and kairi put his hand on her thigh. with his other hand he grabbed a strand of her hair and put it behind her ear. he wiped some of her tears with his sweater. y/n was now almost smiling, but not enough. he grabbed her face and leaned in. their lips almost touching..

mattia bursts into the room (ugh right? lol)

they pull away from each other. y/n giggles softly and kairi smiles at her laugh. "COME!" mattia yells. they both look at each other confused. y/n rolls her eyes annoyed that he ruined their moment. kairi goes up to hug y/n but y/n decided to kiss him instead. kairi smiles and kisses her back.

varo bursts into the room next to mattia

"bro did you tell them to come?" varo asks mattia impatiently. mattia nods harshly and hard.

"yes!! but they're being lovey dovey right now." mattia says turning to look at kairi and y/n.

"deadass guys.. you've got to see this!" varo says. he looked wet, as if he started sweating a lottt. y/n and kairi both walk out the towards them. varo grabs mattia's hand, mattia grabs y/n's, and y/n grabs kairi's hand. they all run down the stairs. there was a tv in the waiting room and everyone was still waiting there watching tv waiting for the rest. everyone turned their heads up the stairs and alejandro pointed to the tv with his eyes wide open. kairi and y/n look at the tv. everyone turned to look at the two for their reactions. both kairi and y/n were confused with what they were talking about but they didn't ask. they waited for the information that everyone wanted them to know about so bad showed up.

"due to covid-19 we have decided to close roads following florida, ***** and ******"

"please be careful if you decide to find a way around the roads."

"i advise you not to."

end of chapter...

okay the road part and all that, im positive that it doesn't work like that but use

            🌈 I M A G I
             N A T I O N 🌈


word count: 1173

𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓; 𝒌𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒐 Where stories live. Discover now