First Talk

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Italics: you and your soulmates conversations

Your POV:
I laid in my bed as I thought about today. I'm so happy I met Garroth again. We actually had all our classes together but he didn't go to music for some reason. At lunch I met some of his friends. One of them was actually Aphmau. His friends names were Dante, Travis, Laurance, Katelyn, Kawaii Chan, Lucinda, and Teony. They were all super nice to me. Not much happened besides that. Now that I think about it I haven't even messaged my soulmate last night. I picked up the ring that sat on my night stand and put it on. I grabbed a pen and wrote on my palm. I wrote, hey. You up? They responded a few minutes later with yeah, so you're my soulmate huh?

Sure am. You wrote.

Well let's get to know each other more. Where do you live? He wrote.

Well I live in Phoenix Drop.

Me too!

Cool! So got any hobbies?

I play baseball and I like to hang out with friends. You?

Well I do like singing and writing music. I might consider making a YouTube channel and singing on it. I'm not good though.

I'm sure you're not bad. Do you have any siblings or pets?

I have a brother. What about you?

I have two other brothers. I'm the eldest actually.

That's cool. well I'm gonna go to sleep. Night.


I wiped off my arm and went to sleep.

Connected By a Ring (Garroth X Reader) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now