What if..?

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Your POV:

I walked out of Garroth's house and began walking to my own. As I was walking I had my hands in the pockets of my jacket and just admired the scenery. As I walked I heard noises is the bushes. I turned around to be met face to face with a werewolf. He had black hair, blue ears and a blue streak. "Um hi?" I said.

"Hello. Are you Y/N L/N, perhaps?" He asked.

"Uh yes? Who's asking?" I said.

"Me of course...princess." He said. I backed up a little.

"So then what do you want?" I asked.

"You." He said quickly. Before I had time to respond he pulled out a green potion and threw it on me. It was taking over me. Then I felt myself inside my own mind. I had no control at this point.

"Ah. I finally got my hands on you." He said.

(Aight so I'm gonna give a few fonts for context:)

Italics: your actual mind

Normal: you in control

He led us to a cabin in the woods. I walked inside and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Let me go!" I shouted. No one can here me...theres no point...

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Y/N darling, go to the bedroom and get to sleep. We have big days ahead of us." Ein said.

"Yes Ein!" I kissed him and went to our room. I went to my closet and changed my clothing. I got into our bed and drifted to sleep.

Garroth's POV:

After Y/N left I chilled in my room playing video games. I all of a sudden got a call from Y/N's mom. I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Garroth? Is Y/N with you?" She said.

"No she left 20 minutes ago.." I said.

"Oh no...she's not home!" She said.

"W-what! Where could she be?" I panicked.

"I'm not sure. Just wait until tomorrow and I'll let you know if she got home. If she's not look for her at school." She instructed.

"A-alright.." I said. I hung up and dropped my phone on the floor.

"No....she can't....I can't lose her...not again...." I said. I laid down and tried falling asleep. I definitely could not because of my thoughts. My heart was racing. My mind filled with ideas of what could've happened. What if someone took her? What if someone hurt her? What if someone..........killed her........manipulated her......

What if..?

Yours Truly~
Moonlight 🖤🌙

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