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Your POV:

The next morning I woke up and went to my closet to change. I changed into my uniform and did my hair. I went downstairs and saw a note on the table. It said

Hey kids! I want to wish you a good day at school and I'm so sorry I couldn't be here! I had to get to work a little bit earlier today. I'll see you guys at home!
Mom ♡︎

I put down the note and went to wake up my brother. Once I woke him up I ate cereal and then we left to school. He was asking how my day was yesterday and I told him all about meeting Garroth again. He was pretty excited about that.

We arrived at school and I saw Garroth sitting with Laurance on the fountain. "Hey guys." I said sitting next to them. "H-hey Y/N. How was your day yesterday?" Garroth said. "It was good. Really good actually." I said gesturing to my ring. "Oh me too." Garroth chuckled. We talked for a bit before the bell rang. When it did I went to my locker and got my things for class. I had vocals first.

I was walking to class when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Aphmau. "Oh hey Aph." I said with a smile. "Hey! What class you got?" She asked.
"I've got vocals."

"Me too! Wanna walk together?"


We walked to class talking and took a seat next to each other. I noticed a few of our friends were in this class. There was Garroth, Laurance, Katelyn, KC, and Travis. We all talked for a bit but the teacher came in. "Hello class. My name is Mr. Shapiro and I'll be your vocals teacher. Now for today's lesson, I'm gonna have a volunteer sing." He said. A few people raised their hands including me. "How about Ms. L/N" he said. I nodded and walked up to the stage. I put on the instrumental for the song and began singing.

(Moonlight is too lazy to write the lyrics hehe)

I finished singing and opened my eyes to see the whole class in shock. "Was it that bad..?"
I said. "No! That was amazing! You my dear have such a beautiful and powerful voice." The teacher said. I smiled and went back to my seat. "You did so good!" Aphmau exclaimed. I laughed and thanked her. I got a bunch of compliments from my other classmates too. Everyone else in the class also went up and sang. Everyone did so well.


I walked to the lunch room and sat down at the table with my friends. I sat in between Garroth and Aphmau. "Hey Y/N!" Aphmau gave me a hug. "Hey." I giggled.

Connected By a Ring (Garroth X Reader) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now