Talking With Dante

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Your POV: Day 1

Day 1. I'm counting down the days until I should speak to him. I miss him already. I really just want to hug him and apologize. Maybe I'll try texting him each day. I sighed and got up from my bed. I walked to my closet and put on an oversized sweatshirt. I went downstairs and saw my mom in the kitchen. "hey mom.." I said walking towards her. She smiled sadly and hugged me. I hugged her back for a bit and sat at the kitchen island.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"it's not your fault." I replied my voice barely above a whisper. I began to tear up again.

"just give him time." she replied. I nodded and she set my food in front of me. I picked up my fork and didn't really eat. I just pushed my food around.

"I think I'm gonna go to the park mom.." I said getting up. She nodded and I went upstairs. I grabbed my phone and put on my shoes. I went back downstairs and walked outside. I walked on the sidewalk putting my earbuds in my ears. I went on pandora and played the Ariana Grande station but with her music only. (Literally what I'm doing right now lmfao)

I put my phone in my pocket and listened to the music. The first song comes on which is a bit more happy. It was Baby I. Don't get me wrong, I love this song, I just was not in the mood to listen to something like this. I was almost at the park so I switched the song. Ghostin came on. Ghostin always made me cry. It's about Mac Miller's death. Ari was devastated when he passed. ( I stg I'm gonna cry just typing this-) I played the song and I had barely gotten to the park. I saw a bench and sat down just listening to the song.

As I listened I began crying. Like I said this song always makes me cry without fail. I sat on the bench with my head down and tears pouring out my eyes. This song reminds me of what is happening to me and Garroth. I need him more than ever. I had my head down and felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Dante. "Hey.." I sniffled. He smiled and sat next to me.

"How are you feeling? I heard what happened.." He asked.

"Not good." I replied.

"Do you mind me asking why waterfalls were pouring out your eyes?" He chuckled. I smiled.

"Heh, I was just listening to a song that reminded me of what's going on." I said.

"What song?"

"Ghostin by Ariana Grande."

"Oh yeah that song! I've heard a few of the girls say that song is supposed to be really sad."

"It is. There's a whole meaning behind it. There was supposed to be a third verse but she couldn't sing it without crying. I don't blame her honestly."

"What's the meaning though?"

"Well she was dating a guy Mac Miller but she had to break up with him. But he ended up passing away and people blamed the death on her. It was actually because he had overdosed on drugs. Then her album was released and Ghostin was in it. It basically talks about how rough it is without him and how much she misses him. Mac was perfect for her, but it sucks they spilt apart."

"That's rough..."

"It really is for her. She's been through a lot."

"That's awful. Anyways do you wanna talk about anything?"

"I just wanna let everything out."

"Go ahead. I'm listening."

"I just feel like a horrible friend. And if I'm being honest...I really like Garroth, but he probably hates me now. I don't deserve him...I'm just a waste of space.."

"Hey hey hey, that's not true. The dude is head over heels for you. He's so in love with you it's crazy. I'm surprised you haven't noticed. And you are not a waste of space, never say that."

"Thanks Dante. But I still am so shocked about what I said..."

"Hey, you regret it and that's what matters right now. He just needs time." He said. I nodded.

"Well I'm gonna head home. Thanks for taking with me Dante." I said. He smiled and gave me a long comforting hug.

"It's gonna be alright." He whispered. I smiled and began walking home. I walked home and just laid on my bed till I fell asleep.

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