She's Back!

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(play the instruemntal for sad vibes. ily)

Garroth's POV:

She charged at me and I prepared myself to either get hurt, or take the knife. As she was about to stab me I grabbed the knife from her and threw it. I took both of her wrists in my hands and held her tightly. I realized we weren't getting her back. She's gone...forever... She'll hate me someone she never chose forever...this was it. I had to say one final thing.. "I love you....N/N" I said. Then I saw her eyes settle back to their original color..

Your POV:

He held me as I tried to get out of his grasp. "I love you.... N/N..." He said. I felt my eyes go back to their color. I had flashbacks....everything...the move...when we left O'khasis it all came back.. I stopped squirming and looked at him.

"hey.." I smiled with tears welling in my eyes.

"Y-Y/N..? Y-You're back!" He said excited. I threw myself on top of him.

"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" I cried into his chest.

"hey's wasn't your fault.." he stroked my hair.

"n-no! This can't be happening! ugh!!" Ein screamed and ran away. We both ignored him adns at there hugging. I heard footsteps behind us.

"guys!" a few shouted. It was obviously Lucinda and the others. I noticed Y/N had passed out on my shoulder.

"hey guys...she's back.." I smiled as I looked over my shoulder at them. They smiled too. I got a hold of Y/N and carried her bridal style. I carried her back to Lucinda's house and set her on the couch.

"what even happened? Also what's with the outfit?" Laurance questioned. I glared at him.

"well I got there and stormed inside the cabin. She was sitting there with...him... He handed her a knife and she charged at me and tried to stab me. I grabbed the knife and threw it before she could. I just hugged her and she came back... also the outfit Ein made her put on..." I said. His eyes widened.

"you don't think he.....raped her....right..?" He asked. My eyes widened as well. I hadn't thought about that..

"i'm not sure. we'll take her with the doctor to check." I replied. He nodded and everyone kept asking questions. I answered them while Hyria made her food for when she woke up. I'm so happy she's back. I can't live without her. I truly believe she is my soulmate. Even if she isn't...i'll always love her.

Connected By a Ring (Garroth X Reader) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now