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A few days go by, along with nothing from Blake. No texts, no calls, nothing. "Lyn, he could just be really busy.... Or..", Gisele says through the speaker phone. "Or he could be ignoring me", I say as I start applying my make up. "I mean you have to realize that he has a very tough career. On the road 24/7, different cities every night.... Interviews...", I understood that but I would've thought that I would be handling this much better, since this was my childhood. My parents promising to do something and not being able to fall through. I sigh through the phone, sending Gisele the signal for her to drop the subject. "Well are you at least coming down to Miami. Mom, dad, and all of us are meeting up. Mom misses you a lot, but dad is still stuck in his ways," I roll my eyes. "I guess I can make time to come down and see mom," I reply now putting on my jeans and shoes. I was going out with some friends for dinner.

I make my way into the kitchen and grab my keys. I make it to my car, passing the bellhop, Brady, on my way outside. "Have a nice night Miss. Marilyn," Brady says as he opens the door for me. "Call me Marilyn, please. "Miss" makes me sound old. Besides your older", I get outside into the blistering cold and quickly enter my car. I turn on the car and buckle up. I then pull out and head to the restaurant. I finally get there a good 30 minutes more than expected. Once inside I notice Frankie, Tony, and Olivia sitting on the benches waiting for their table to be called. "Hey guys!", Frankie gets up and engulfs me with a warm hug. I met Frankie when I first came to New York. He was in my physics class and we were partners. At first I thought that he was a big douche bag, but then I got to know him and he seemed to be friendly. "Lyn I haven't seen you in forever it feels like!," Frankie says as we are guided to our seats. "Well I'm here!!," I say as we are seated in a booth.

Dinner goes by quickly. We spend most of it having small talk. The majority of it involving me. I get home after walking a good 7 blocks. "Marilyn.....," Brady says as he opens the door for me. "Brady, how has your night been?, I say pushing the elevator button. Once I get upstairs I notice a yellow envelope on the island table along with some mail. I open up the yellow envelope first enthusiastic but with a great amount of caution. "From: Mom & Dad; To: Marilyn" I open up the envelope to see an invitation to a wedding vows renewal. "Great..... A week in the Hamptons," I mumble throwing the ripped envelope to the side. I go into my bedroom a turn on the shower. My phone begins to buzz loudly and starts to shake my desk. "Hello.??," I say into the phone as I begin gathering my pjs from my drawer. "Hey, uh...Marilyn?? Yeah this is Blake," I walk into the bathroom in utter shock. I feel a wave of excitement and enthusiasm, but I remind myself to stay calm. "Hey Blake, how's it going?," I reply. "Good. I really had a good time a few nights ago and I was wondering if we could maybe meet up around next week....", I almost jump in excitement. "Sounds great!," I say testing the water to see if it's not too hot. "Ok well um, I gotta go but, uh I'll keep in touch," he says through the phone. 'Keep in touch' I mumble to myself as the call ends abruptly. 'What the hell does that mean? Keep in touch.........'

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