Chapter 1 - Emily's POV

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"Mam, I'm scared, I don't wanna go, can't I just go on Monday?!" I asked sitting in the car staring out the window at the huge building.

"No Emily, you have to, I told the principle you would be in today. You'll be fine girlo, they'll love your accent!" she said winking at me.

"Fine, bye Mam, love you." Kissing her on the cheek

"Good Luck chicken" She smiled, I hopped out of the car, fixed my skirt awkwardly and walked slowly into the school. When I got to the door I saw a big sign saying 'Norwest Christian College',

"Ugh, this place looks huge" I said to myself.

I walked around the main hall not paying attention to anything around me.

"WOAH, Sorry! Didn't see you there!" spoke a tall, tanned extremely good looking boy. I had walked face first into him.

"No, no it's grand, that was my fault" I replied quietly

"You have a sick accent! Where are you from? It sounds Irish!" He smiled

"Yeah I am, haha, thanks" I said managing to look at him.

"Well, I'll walk you to the main office! I'm in Year 11, what year will you be in?" He asked smiling at me.

"Um Year 10...I think, Oh no Year 9! Wait I dunno." I said blushing furiously.

He laughed. "So it's different in Ireland then yeah? What way do they do it?"

"Um yup mad different, We have 1st year up to 6th year, I was just after going into 3rd year," I said "then we moved here."

We walked for a bit without saying anything. *this is so weird* I thought to myself.

"Did you not wanna move here then?" He asked.

"Um no not really, I didn't wanna leave Ireland like, it's my home..." I answered "but this place is class too"

He nodded, "Well, there it is," pointing to the office.

"Sound for walking me!" I smiled at him,

"Huh?!" He looked puzzled.

"Oh sorry haha it's Irish way of saying thanks! Um thanks, see ya around I s'pose"

"I'm Calum by the way, Calum Hood" he smiled and I noticed how perfect his smile was.

"I'm Emily" I said "I should go."

"Nice talking to you Emily. See ya" He said and walked over to his friends.


A/N Hey I know it's not the best first chapter but it will get better! And it won't all be in dialogue =) We've decided we're gonna post once a week so we were thinking Friday or Saturday, tell us which you'd prefer =) Lot's of love Aoibheann xx

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