Chapter 9 - Calum's POV

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<"Ashton come here for a second" I called to Ashton across the room. He strolled over to me looking concerned.

"You alright?"

"Yeah but remember I asked you to stay after? Yeah scrap that, Emily wants to talk so we're going to the park." I said grinning. He laughed<

"Haha okay Cal but I'm expecting an update aye?" He replied. I grinned at him meaning yes.> 

We practiced for a little while longer and then Michael was the one who had to leave. "Sorry guys, I'm meeting Maddison!" He said standing up. Maddison was this girl he had been hanging out with he really liked her and today 'was the day' according to him. We said our goodbyes and Emily stood up and gave him a quick hug. She seemed more relaxed now thank god. With a wave and a smile he was gone... "Yeah I gotta head to, going out with the parentals tonight," Luke said minutes later.. Same thing, quick hug and goodbyes and he was gone. It was just 3 left, I glared at Ashton and he took the hint and left hugging Emily and smiling.

"See ya Ashton" She smiled.

"Bye Emily!" He replied and left the room slamming the door

"And then there was two..." I said winking. "So, did you like us? We never got to ask properly"

"Yes I did, honestly, you guys are Amazing!" she said eagerly.

"Haha cool, glad you liked us! So do you wanna just chill here or go for a walk? There's a park just around" I asked grinning at her

"Walk definitely! This weather is perfect" To be fair, it was lovely out, warm but not too warm for a walk. I grabbed a jacket and some money and we headed out.

At first it was in silence as we walked, but then her phone beeped and she took it out and smiled.

"Ahaha I have a joke.. How do you organize a space party?" She asked laughing..


"You planet! You gettit?" She grinned clasping her side. Her laugh had me in stitches and the joke, we looked like retards standing in the middle of the street laughing. Once we calmed I asked "Where did you hear that?!"

"My friend is after sending me it on Viber, they always send jokes and picture n'all" She answered. She seemed happier than I'd seen her before. She must really miss them

We waked in silence until we reached the park. "Let's go to the playground!" she shouted suddenly and ran in the complete wrong direction. I chuckled.

"Emily! That's the wrong way, come back!" She didn't hear me. I sprinted up behind her, grabbed her by the waist and swung her around. Shit. Why did I do that!? She didn't seem to mind, she turned and smiled up at me "Why was that?" She asked..

"Oh uh," I quickly let her go "I called you but you didn't hear me, so I ran after you uh sorry" I stumbled She looked at me in the eyes and bit her lip. Fuck what no what?! She has to stop doing this 

"Oh whoops, let's go for a walk in the forest bit then?" She mumbled. So we did, we walked for ages just talking about anything and everything. I learnt she has two older brothers 19 and 21, her best friend moved to Perth last year and she had lived in Dublin, she played Gaa and sang too. I told her about me, about my sister, where I was from, how I used to play football for Australia. I felt I knew so much about her in such a short space of time. She suddenly stopped walking.

"what's up? You okay?" I asked nervously.

"Oh yeah, sorry my leg is hurting again, I'll be good" She replied smiling slightly

"What happened your leg?" I asked noticing a dent type thing on her right leg.

"Oh long story, to shorten it, I got hit by a car, broke my leg and never let it fix properly" She replied laughing up at me.

"Well that was intelligent.." I said shaking my head

"Anyway lets go!" She hopped up and quickly sat back.

"Hop on!" I said lowering down so she could jump on.

"Nooo way! I'm way too heavy" She said quickly, I scooped her up

"Bullshit. Now hop on!" I replied and this time she did, her hands hanging around my neck. She was like a puppy or something

Somehow she made my knees week, I walked over to bench, sat down and propped her on me. She looked at me again with that same lip bite she does. I leaned in and so did she, this time I didn't push her away, instead I pulled her closer and grabbed her waist again. I brushed my lips against hers and locked them, she kissed back just as hard. One hand on my neck and the other running through my hair. How long it lasted I do not know but I realized I have never felt like this before and when we stopped kissing, I wanted to start all over again. I looked at her and she looked back grinning.

"Wow em okay should we get going?" I asked nervously.

"Um yeah sure, I guess, my Mam is probably looking for me..." She said shyly. I had no idea what to do, whether I should put my arm around her or hold her hand or just walk normally like nothing happened. I thought the better of it and put my arm around her shoulder.

"Um Emily?" I asked in barely a whisper.

"Yeah?" She replied looking to the ground

"What does this mean? I mean we still hardly know each other, but I like you.." I said. Heck I liked her a lot.

"I dunno to be honest. I like you to, mad a lot but maybe see how it goes?" She replied, she seemed disappointed at what I said.

"F**ck this." I said, grabbed her and looked at her, and said "Let's see how it goes, but just know that I do like you, so much you don't even know, I'm afraid, you said earlier you mightn't be staying?"

"I want to, so much now, so why wait?" She asked staring at me. "Calum, I've done the whole 'see how it goes' shabang and it's not good why not just -" I cut her off again by kissing her. This time she pulled away and smiled up at me

"Was that okay?" I asked winking

"Perfect." she replied hugging me. With that we walked to the entrance hand in hand the whole way.. I waited while her mam came to collect her, hugged her, and left.

~At Home~

"Calum is that you?" I heard my mum call from the kitchen.

"Yeah it is" I shouted back. I could smell chicken curry cooking Yum I thought. I ran up the stairs to my room and texted Ashton ~Man, you have no idea what just happened!

I got a near instant reply  ~What happened?!~  I was about to reply when Mum called "CAL, Dinner is ready!"

"Ok Mum one minute!" I replied, thinking back to the day and smiling to myself, she was going to be a special girl I could tell, I ran back downstairs to join everyone for dinner.</li> 

After dinner I went to my room to check Facebook and Twitter. When I went on Facebook I decided to look for Emily, I found her after a while, her profile picture was her with a boy kissing her on the cheek and her beaming at the camera. My heart melted. Who was this guy? I didn't want to know but I kind of had to, I sent her a friend request and logged off. For some reason this had really upset me. I turned my phone off and played a couple of games of FIFA and went to bed


A/N - YOOO :-D Sorry.. It's Aoibheann again {Woo yayay woo} kidding. But yeah hey! Em I'm not sure if people like this or not but we love writing it and plan to continue! :D So um yeah just tell us what you liked/disliked and whether we can improve on anything :-) So yeah Slán <3 xo

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