Chapter 15

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Roman's POV

"I'm not going to see a therapist every again. That's it." Virgil says while getting into the car. "Now take me to DQ I want the ice cream you promised." Virgil says slouching into his seat with his arms crossed.

"Okay Jack Skellington. Mint shake?" I ask him while making my way out of the parking lot. I look over to see Virgil smiling. "Imma take that as a yes." Isay laughing a bit.

I miss Max. I don't know why my parents hated him so much. But I also don't understand why Virgil was dreaming out Max in his coma. Maybe Max and him knew eachother, on a personal level. But before we met, he didnt talk. He was silent. How did he know Max?

I sigh and brush off my thoughts as I pull into the DQ drivr threw. "Hello what may I get you today?" The person asks me kindly. "2 medium sized mint shakes." I say to the person. They tell me the total and I pull forward.


We make it to my house, Virgil being silent and hasn't really touched his drink. I get out of my car with Virgil and unlock my house door and I see Mom and Wendy sitting down at the table. "Hey mom, wendy."

"Roman, Virgil." Mom says. "Fuck what's going on." I say and walk over to the table. Virgil follows me.

"I'm pregnant." Wendy says crying. "Hey Wendy, that's good right?" I ask then grab her hand.

"Yeah, it's just, my boyfriend's parents arent okay with it." Wendy says and starts to cry again.

"Wendy, you and your boyfriend can crash here until you find yourself a house." Mom says trying to comfort Wendy.

"Thank you!" Wendy says then hugs Mom. "Hey mom, V and I are gonna head upstairs." I say then look over and, well where Virgil was sitting. He must have felt uncomfortable and went upstairs.

I walk upstairs with my shake and into Virgils room. I see Virgil has changed into my red hoodie and he looks so cute laying on his futon. "Hey babe." I say to him and sit down on the floor next to him.

"Sorry I just really wanted your hoodie." Virgil says trying to explain, "you look cute, it's cool." I tell Virgil the peak his lips with mine.

"Hey Ro, can I dye your hair?" Virgil asks randomly. "Um, sure." I respond then kiss him again.

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