Chapter 16

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T/W - Transphobia, Homophobia, Language, and yelling/arguing

Wendy's POV

I walk up to the guest bedroom and I open the door to see Roman and Virgil sitting on the floor and what seems like, Virgil dying Roman's hair red. "Oh, I see this is not the guest bedroom." I say and look down and the 2 boys.

"Yeah, its Virgils room." Roman says smiling and then he looks at Virgil. They are so cute together. Wait? Virgil lives here? "Wait, I thought Virgil was your boyfriend, not someone who lives with us." I say very confused.

"Yeah, Virgil was in a coma and while that happened its house got sold and now he lives here." Roman says, "Done!" Virgil says smiling at Roman.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask. "Oh I'm just dying Roman's hair. I have a bottle of hair dye of every color. I personally only dye mine purple. And now Roman's is red, his favorite color." Virgil explains to me. "I can dye your is you want me to." Virgil says kindly.

"Maybe later, my boyfriend will be here any minute now with our stuff." I say then exit the strange boys room. I never  thought Roman would go for someone like, him. Virgil kinda looks like someone who would and could murder someone if they wanted to.

I walk to in my room and smile. Maybe Roman will let me turn his music room into my nursery. Probably not.

I sit on my king sized bed and rub my belly. I remember all the nights on this bed. Damn I am a whore. I cant believe it took this long for me to get pregnant. I get up and smile while I walk over to my closet.

I open my closet door and see it. The thing that started my career. Most people dont know this but I am a stripper. I still go to College, I want to be a doctor but right now, a stripper works. Well that's a lie. I dropped out of college a week ago. But my mom and brother doesnt need to do that.

I feel my phone buzz and I see it is Steve. He is here. I walk downstairs and open the front door. "Baby and baby!" Steve says hugging me. "Mom, Ro, Steve is here!" I yell so everyone knows to come down here.

Soon everyone is downstairs. "Oh my, hello Steve I am Wendy's mother." My mom says shaking Steves hand. I smile and look into his pretty green eyes. I run my hand threw his short blond hair and smile. Steve was about 2 inches taller than me.

"Hey, I brought pizza, it's in my car let me go get it." Steve says and rushes out the door. "He seems kind." Roman says. Virgil hasn't said anything, it doesn't surprise me. It's always the quite ones who murder.

Steve comes in with the pizza and we all gather at the table. "Wendy you didn't tell me you had 3 brothers." Steve says.

"Actually no, Virgil is my boyfriend." Roman says. I look at steve and he looks horrified. "Wait, you are gay?" Steve says. "Wait, so you have a faggot tranny brother, no wonder your other one killed himself." Steve snaps. I look over and Virgil and Roman.

"Fuck you! You fucking homophobic transphobic piece of shit! Dont you fucking dare talk to my amazing fucking boyfriend like that!" Virgil yells and steps closer to Steve. Then Virgil punches Steve in the face and walks over to Roman.

Virgil grabs Roman by the hand and starts to speak again, "This is my boyfriend. Yes I am gay. I am a faggot. But you know what, at least I know what love is like. Because I love Roman for who he is. And Max didnt kill himself because of Roman being trans and gay. Because Max himself was apart of the LGBTQIA+ community." Virgil says then kisses Roman's lips. When they separat Roman smiles and Virgil walks up the stairs while flipping Steve off.

"Well fuck. Arent you going to do anything about that. That fucking kid just cussed me out." Steve says to my mom.

"No, because I would have done the same thing. You may live here, but dont you dare say anything about my son's death or say anything homophobic or transphobic." Mom says and walks away from the dinner table.

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