Meeting Beau

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It was now lunch and I had Music last. Spanish wasn't even remotely promising and neither was Science. PE wasn't too bad because I was pretty healthy. Lies. Complete lies. I'm not very healthy, I love McDonalds, but i'm not big or anything, I just have a really fast metabolism. We were sitting in the Canteen just finishing up lunch when we were joined by the twins and the tall guy from earlier and another guy with two lip piercings on one side. I'd met Jordan and Sophie already, Jordan with her curly ginger locks, and Sophie who laughed at everything. Sophie was British too so I felt a bit more comfortable. Jai sat with Carly whilst the two strangers placed themselves next to me either side. Luke sat inbetween Jordan and Sophie. 

'Ladies how are we doing today? Alannah your hairs messed up BIG TIME,' Her hair was fine, Jai was teasing her which i've realized he does quite a lot. Alannahs eyes widened to saucers.

'You what?!' Sophie laughed quietly. 

'Jordan, Sophie, Alannah, Carly... And new chick,' Said the tall one. I don't know why but these four guys put together ring a bell. Weird.

'Hey the 'Chick' has a name Yammouni. Her names Sydney and she's from England,' Jordan was a bit sassy today. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow. 'My names James and thats Skip,' He nodded towards the stranger. 

'I'm Sydney, and please don't call me chick again, it sounds really odd,' Skip started laughing making us all turn to him. 'Skip right?' He nodded calming down. 'What's so funny?' 

'Your accent. Your so... What's the word? English,' Luke and Jai face palmed while the others groaned. Carly's phone starts playing I Found You by The Wanted.  

'Boo, you've reached Carly Philpot how may I help you today?' She nodded along to whoever she was talking too when she hung up. 'Right guys we're rolling. Beau wants us to meet him in the car park quick. Sydney your coming too, your just his kind of girl,' James nodded.

'Hey Jai remember that question and answer one time?' We all got up and were just walking out towards the car park when Jai finally caught up with what James was talking about.

'Ah, yes. Sydney stay behind BFG here, this will be interesting. Scratch that, I cannot wait to see what Beau has to say to this,' This was weird, just nod along Sydney, it will all be ok. I nod and follow them out of the building.

When we finally reached the car park I hid straight behind James as instructed. 

'Hey Beau!' Skip shouted. 

We all stopped and I walked straight into James. Ow is not even the correct terminology. 

'Theres a new girl at school, Beau. She's a British chick,' Thank you James. Do exactly what I told you not too. 'She has black hair,'

'And crystal blue eyes!' Says Skip. What are they talking about? 'So remember that time you were in that Question and Answer?' 

'Oh my god! I remember now!' Carly? She's in on this too? 

'Guys what are you getting at... Oh I remember! Yeah British chicks with black hair and... yeah blue eyes, so when do I get to meet her?' I walked out from behind James.

'You can meet the 'chick' now,' Wow this guy was good looking. 

'I'm Beau, and your the English chick huh?' I put all my weight on my left foot, rolled my eyes and walked over to Sophie and Jordan. 'Well your polite, aren't you?' I smirk and give him the finger. He deserves it. I ain't a chick, and I am polite, to nice people, that is. 

'Anyway Jai, Luke, James, and Skip, we're doing a Janoskian question and answer today,' That's where I knew them from! They're all over my sisters walls... How did I not notice this?

'I knew there was something weirdly familiar about you guys!' Everyone looked at me with one of those 'really' looks. 'Your spammed over my sisters walls, sorry,' I shrugged in one of those what can you do kind of ways and started up a conversation with Jordan and Sophie while Alannah flirted with Luke and the rest of the guys talked. Every now and then I would look over at Beau and he would be looking at me in a kind of creepy stalker kind of way. Everyone gradually dispersed till it was only me and Beau left. I wanted to know why he was looking at me like that. I walked up to him, folded my arms and raised my eyebrow. 

'What's up Syderz?' I shook my head.

'My names Sydney, and why did you keep looking at me? You looked like you were going to drag me into your white van and drive away.' He laughed and ran his hand through his hair. His hair looked nice though. Had to give the guy that. 

'Ok Sydney well, I wasn't looking at you in an odd way at all. Personally I think your a good looking girl. Very good looking infact,' He pushed a piece of my dark hair away from my face. My breathing slowed and I think this is one of those weird cheesy moments in a movie where you expect the main characters to snog or something. But I tell you now. That will not be happening. 

'Erm thank you? I, uh, guess?' I have to admit the bloke made me a bit flustered. He chuckled darkly to himself. 

'Are you coming to the Summers Eve Party down at the beach tonight?' I shake my head. Summer already? It was Summer in England last week, by now the leaves would be falling. 'Well come tonight, it'll be fun. Turn up with Carly and Alannah. Me and the guys are meeting them there after we've done the question and answering thing. Oh and by the way where a bikini underneath your clothes,' And with that said and done the guy winks and turns away just like that. Bikini my ass. English girls do not wear bikinis! Has he not heard of the infamous British weather? Hmph. I turn around and notice that the girls haven't actually left. They were sitting on a bench about 7 metres away from us. 

I storm over there. 'Did you hear him?' They all nod and Carly bursts into laughter. 

'You do know you are wearing a bikini right? No matter what! I so want to see what you and Beau turn into!' I shake my head. 'SOMEONES GETTING LAID TONIGHT!' I cannot believe Carly just shouted that out. The head master walks past giving us a funny look. Beau. Shit. I turn around and see him looking at us. 

'Carly?' She looks at me with wide eyes. 'I'd run if I was you,' I laugh as she runs away and I start chasing her. 

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