A promise...

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Dedicated to the girls Alannah and Carly for helping me throughout the whole book <3

'Happy late birthday!' Beau shouts. It's now Sunday and everyone is celebrating my birthday a week to the day, late. I insisted on just forgetting about my birthday this year but nobody was having it especially Gina. My gifts varied from my supposed 'first bottle of alcohol' to a new guitar from Beau. So far I had done well, smiling, laughing. I usually can't stand it when attention is put on me but I didn't mind today as whenever the limelight was thrown on me Beau usually backed everyone away that little bit, giving me room to breathe. He's on a crutch and has been advised to rest, but does the boy ever listen? The answer to that is a 100% no. He's taken it upon himself to become a bit violent with his crutch - not that crutch - his walking crutch. Yesterday he bruised Lukes leg and was grounded to his room for the day, and to add to that I was also punished by not being able to see him all day. Which wound Beau up and he ended up screaming for an hour straight 'I want Sydney'. Gina ended up giving in and allowed me five minutes of visiting the prisoner. He was not happy when I had to leave, as he ended up holding on to my hand and because he's a lot stronger than me, Jai had to come and drag me away - literally. I mean he had to physically try to break Beaus grip on my wrist, and pick me up and take me out. It was funny though.

'Hey Sydney,' I break my gaze from the TV and turn to Beau. 'I was wondering, what happens now?' I bite my lip and think. What will happen now? 

'I don't know,' I say, shaking my head. A huge smile presents itself upon Beaus face, making me wonder what my boyfriend had in mind. Boyfriend, I will probably never get used to that. 

'Well I have an idea, but I don't know whether you will agree to it or not... It won't happen now, but hopefully in the years to come...' He pulls out a box from his pocket and hands it to me. My breath catches in my throat - what? I open it and a beautiful white gold band is staring back at me, the band has an inscription on the inside: Forever and always... 

 'It's a promise...' I face him to see we're only inches apart. He takes the ring out and places it on my left hand on my middle finger. 'I promise I will love you forever Sydney, and one day I want to marry you, and hopefully one day it will happen,' He kisses my hand and looks at me.

'I love you Beau, and it will happen, trust me,' We lean in and kiss, a silent promise in itself that we will always love eachother. We pull back and I can't help the laugh escape my lips. 'This is so weird,' I exclaim. He eyebrows furrow, making him frown.

'I can't believe this is what my life has turned out to be. I have a perfect life, with the perfect boyfriend, friends, family. Oh god my parents,' I look at Beau who's laughing. 'What's so funny?' I mimick our time at the park after the Amelia incident. 

'I asked your dad already'

'He actually agreed to this?' He nods, biting his lip. He spaces out for a matter of seconds, and dramtically shudders coming out of his trance. 'That bad?' I question. He nods leaning in.

'That bad,' Our lips connect once more and I honestly cannot wait to see what the future holds for us.

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