Confronting the unwanted

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'But Sydney why won't you talk to them?' Me and Alannah were walking to Spanish. Throughout the whole week I did my best to ignore them and succeeded but I had Carly and Alannah nagging me. Jordan and Sophie asked a few times too, but they dropped it, whereas Carly and Alannah asked me every moment of the day. 'Sydney are you listening to me? Beau's been going mental at the slightest thing that pisses him off. He's angry and upset. Why won't you talk to him? The others don't matter as much as Beau. You were with him weren't you?' I stop just outside our class and turn to a very shocked Alannah.

'Me and Beau slept together big whoop, people do it all the time. It doesn't necessarily mean anything does it? I can also talk to whoever I bloody like and it just so happens I don't really want to talk to them. OK?' I walk into class, and sit in the back corner, wondering why I was truly ignoring them. I was scared of getting hurt I guess. I mean how far would this girl go? She said she'd hurt me, but does that mean breaking bones? Bleeding? I shake my head, and put my head down to focus on my work when a note appears on my table. It's a pink sticky note. 

You can't ignore them forever Sydney 

I look up to see Alannah smiling sympathetically at me. I can ignore them, I can do this. I didn't know how hard it would be to keep a promise like that until after school.

I didn't feel like walking home with Carly and Alannah today. I just couldn't cope with their constant questioning that me feel like the bitchiest person in the world. The way they put things didn't help either. 

I turn down on my street to stop in my tracks. Beau is leaning against his car in front of my house. Shit. I walk towards my home and keep my head down, counting the non existent cracks in the perfect concrete. I near my house and can't help but look up, seeing his green eyes look at my every move makes me self conscious - how was I supposed to ignore him? I get to the driveway when he stops me in my path.

'Talk to me,' He says. The anger obvious in his tone of voice. I look up to see hurt in his eyes. I shake my head and try to walk past him but he refuses to budge.

'Fuck off Beau, there is nothing to talk about, OK? Just go home.' I walk past him and head up my driveway.

'Me and the boy's are going to be in Sydney from tomorrow till next week!' He shouts up at me. Sydney? Why? I ignore him and walk into my empty home. Jessica and Katie are at friends and mum and dad are on a romantic weekend trip in Canberra. I lean against the wall and sit down.

I get up and decide to go to Jordan's birthday party tonight. I text Carly and Alannah letting them know i'm going, telling them I will meet them wherever and whenever. I walk up stairs and shower hummng the Janoskians single. It's too darn catchy. After showering I change into black short shorts, a burgundy vest top, and my black Jeffrey Campbells. (A/N my favourite shoes EVER! Except I have huge feet so can't get them in my size. BOO.)

I straighten my hair, and tease it ever so slightly at the roots. I decorate my wrists with my dark bracelets, and do my makeup, consisting of smokey eyes, and a bit of vanilla lipbalm. I decide to wear my black leather jacket with gold studs to defend myself against the slight chill in the air. I hear a honk from a car outside, and checking through my window I see it's Carly and Alannah, in Sophie's new car. She had her 18th birthday during the week, and her mum and dad bought her a posh Audi silver car to drive around in. I turned everything off and grabbed my phone. We were getting to the party early to help Jordan prepare everything because it was a house party so we had to help put fragile things in the closets and stuff.

I shut the front door, and walk to the car, seeing everyone all glammed up. Alannah had decided to have her hair straight again, surprise surprise, and was wearing a Black dress with her own pair of burgundy Jeffrey Campbells. Carly wore black leggings, a dark green crop top and a pair of heeled ankle boots, with her hair in a high ponytail, crimped, with a quiff. Sophie had her hair wavy and was wearing a purple skater dress with a nice pair of black heels. I got in the back with Carly and was instantly greeted with the words.

'Beau spoke to me ten minutes ago.' I ignored her but I saw everyone looking at me.

'Ready to go?' I ask Sophie, forcing a smile. She nods and speeds away from my house. I look out of the window trying to ignore the mutual chatter but replying when asked something. I thought about Beau and what could've happened if the blonde girl hadn't shown up out of the blue. Would we be a couple or would we have distanced ourselves by now? It had been a week since I last saw that girl, and I couldn't help but wonder what her relationship with Beau was. Were they friends or something more?

'Here!' Carly screeches in my ear, waking me up from my thoughts. I unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car, following the girls inside Jordan's house. I help out with putting the items needed to be stored away, and when i've just put all the booze and food out people start coming in, the lights instantly dim and the music gets louder. This might just help me forget him, forget everything.

I drink whatever get's handed to me, and before I know it I'm in the middle of the dancefloor dancing, I feel someones hands place themselves on my hips swaying to the beat of the music. My night starts like this and get's worst as it goes on. It starts getting bad when i'm talking to a guy called Louis, Sophie's cousin I think, he has the eye for Jordan but won't go up to the girl and talk to her. While I was talking to him Beau walks in the room, giving me a pained look and heading out to a different room. I excuse my self from Louis and try to find Beau. I wander into several different rooms until I see him making out with the blonde girl that threatened me, they pull apart and she spots me and winks, threading her fingers into his hair. I start to see red and walk up to them punching her square in the nose, blood gushing from her injury. I laugh quietly to myself and walk back to the dancefloor smug.

It goes on like this for the rest of the night, until I see Beau staring at me on the dancefloor making me want to just slap myself. I head to the drinks table and start making a new drink i'm going to name Suicide. I grab a tumbler cup, and pour in tequila, martini, vodka, and some coke. I stir it all with a straw and chug it down, instantly buzzing. The drink is disgusting but pleasures me in a way I didn't think possible. (A/N not like that you dirty buggers)

I dance all night, until everyone starts stumbling home that is. I start to say my goodbyes to everyone I know, except Beau, I call a cab and walk outside to wait for it, making sure I have everything. 

'Why did you hit Amelia?' I turn to see two Beaus looking at me with their arms crossed. I laugh causing a flash of confusion to cross his face, making me laugh even harder.

'Don't worry,' I slur. 'Me and Amelia have history, not very good history because one day she kidnapped me, that is all. So bye bye have a great day and I will see you when you get back from me?' I laugh harder crawling into the cab. A middle aged lady is in the front, smiling at me.

'Good day, where to?' I tell her my address, and start humming to myself. I couldn't help but let the words flow out of my mouth.

'Why are guys such fucking assholes?' I say looking at the lady. She smiles to herself, and replies after a good time of thinking. 

'Well not all of them are, but the ones that are either secretly like you, or are truly self absorbed idiots. Which guy do you know is an asshole then little lady?'

'His name's Beau and he just seems to piss me off right now,' The ladies eyes widen ever so slightly.

'I know a Beau, what's the Beau your talking about?'

'Beau Brooks. He's a tall guy, with beautiful eyes, and a sexy body. Can't say his personality is that great towards me though,' I stare down at my intertwined fingers.

'Erm, little lady what's your name?' I look up to see confusion in her face, we're pulling up to my street now. 

'Sydney, Sydney Bundred,' She pulls up next to my house. 'How much?' 

'On the house,' What?

'Erm, thank you,' I say, almost falling out of the taxi. I stumble into my house, upstairs, and fall face first onto my bed. Falling unconcsious instantly. 

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