Beaus going to be OK

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I wake up covered in sweat, and struggling to breathe. My neck has a sharp pain but I cancel it out. I run my hand through my hair, trying to forget the nightmare. I shiver at no temperature but a distant memory, the crash. I look around the waiting room to see Luke, Jai and Gina looking at me, confusion obvious on their faces. I ignore them and walk out of the room, wandering aimlessly around the hospital, I stop by the cafe and purchase a coffee, trying to give me some kind of energy. Sitting down in the corner of the cafe, I sit down and sip the scorching liquid. I finish and throw the polystyrene away, not knowing what I should do next. I decide on going back to the waiting room.

I walk in and see Gina pacing, while Jai and Luke sit in silence. I don't question them, but I sit and submit to my thoughts, wondering what happens next. Gina lifts my head up with her index finger, tilting my head side to side. She frowns and brushes my cheek with her thumb, I wince at the pain and pull away. Happy Birthday to me. 

'Sydney, your bruised,' Gina insists. I shrug my shoulders and try to ignore the dull pain in my cheek, but it advances through my whole body making me whimper. Gina leaves the room and moments later comes back with the blonde nurse, Julie, from yesterday.

'Sydney, what's wrong?' Julie crouches in front of me and silently inspects me. She pulls me out of the room, into an examination room, as she does some routine checks. I'm bruised all right, and I have a slight case of whiplash. Jai and Luke wish me happy birthday, Gina also. I thank them, and leave it at that. I don't want to even think of celebrating, while Beau's in this condition.

We go home, and go to the hospital everyday. They want Beau in till Wednesday before he returns home, today is the day and I can't wait. He needs his stitches replaced regularly and today is also one of those days. Me and Gina are going up their but Jai and Luke aren't because they have to do a meet and greet in central Melbourne, and they don't want to let their fans down. I admire that about the guys, they don't let anything faze them. 

Gina stops at the shops before the hospital and grabs some new flowers for Beaus vase. It's family only for visitors, but today is the day Beau is being discharged and there abolishing the rule. I smile to myself and Gina comes back into the car with some purple flowers.

'I get to see Beau today,' I smile. She smiles sadly at me. I frown, not completely understanding, but I brush it off, not thinking much off it. 

We walk into the hospital and I head straight to Beaus room. I walk into the hospital room with short, shaky breaths. On entry, I lay my flowers on the little table, keeping my eyes down, not knowing if I can take in the sight. I give in, looking up my breath catches in my throat. Beau's sleeping in the bed. His breathing much shallower than my own. I let very few tears escape, as I promised Gina I would stay strong for him days ago. I walk over to the bed and take in the tubes coming out of his hand and the IV in his arm, I always hated needles, but I shouldn't think of myself now. I sit in the chair, next to him, and take his hand in mine. It's so cold. I rub my thumb against his knuckles, silently begging for him to wake up and smile and say everything will be OK. But I know that won't happen, I know he's supposed to rest, and sleep but I need him. 

Mum and Dad wanted to come back, but I told them I would be OK, I insisted on it. I've called them everyday since the Saturday. Saturday. The day me and Beau went to the beach in his Jeep. When the car came out of nowhere, and hit the drivers side, making us crash. Beau got it worst, hence why he's in the hospital bed, struggling to breath. It's Wednesday now, and I'm only slightly bruised. He, on the other hand, has broken ribs, a broken wrist, and an extensive wound on his leg, that needed too many stitches, and a large dose of medication. 

His eyes flutter open and I can't help but hold my breath. He looks around in confusion wincing, until he lays his eyes on his hand and notices he isn't the only one in the room. He looks up at me and smiles, tears in his eyes. 

'Hello,' He whispers. I try to speak but nothing comes out. Tears escape my eyes and I look down, trying not to look at the guy I love. 'Sydney?' He croaks, making me look at the sad expression on his face. 'I love you,' Making me give in to the tears streaming down my tired face.

'I love you too,' I whisper. He brushes my tears away and smiles. 

'It could have been worst,' He says laughing quietly. 'I bet your mum and dad regret letting you stay here aren't they?' I remember dad's creative speech yesterday and wince at the specific vocabulary. Mum knew I could handle myself, and trusted me completely. I think she was worried a bit more about Beau though, than anything. 'I'm taking your little wince as something bad?' I shake my head, laughing for the first time in days. 'I love that sound,' He sighs.

'Your still a creepy stalker, then?' I laugh, raising a brow.

'Well i'm not the only old one,' He winks. I freeze up, wanting the subject to pass. I bite my lip and shake my head.

'Don't,' I warn, making him pout.

'Forgive me?' I give him a soft kiss not wanting to hurt him. I pull away at the sound of a knock on the door.

'Come in!' I half yell. Julie walks in and laughs at us.

'Alright lovebirds, i'm taking Beau's IV out now, and for the rest of the week he gets to take pills, so...' She walks over to Beau and starts to work on his needles, his facial expressions make me laugh just a little bit more than I should have. After about 10 minutes, Julie announces that her work is done. Beau grins, making me laugh. 

'I love drugs, I can finally breathe properly,' Julie assures him that his bliss will last a day at the most. Julie leaves and informs us his prescription will be ready in about an hour. Julie leaves and Beau decides to try and get out of bed, I watch on as he grabs a crutch and hobbles around the room.

'Erm, Beau what are you doing?'

'Exercising, I have a cut on my leg big whoop,' A cut? He makes it sound small, compared to what it really is.

'And how comes your perfectly fine now, even though when I came in here and sat down you looked and acted as if you were dead?' He turns to me and grins.

'It gets me more drugs for my ribs, and it happens to get me more food and sympathy,' I gape at the conman. 'But the worst part was the fucking visiting hour part,' He shuffles towards me and flops onto the bed in front of me. 'But, when everything is fine, and I am fully healed be prepared,' He winks. Damn, I blush and look away, hoping to escape his burning gaze. Impossible. He moves his head into my view.

'Can I help you?' I question. He traces my jaw with his finger and kisses me slowly, if only... I pull back and shake my head. 'No,' I say biting my lip.

'But...' I shake my head at him.

'Not while you're ill, Mr I like fooling the doctors and nurses. How bad is your cut anyway?' He pulls his trouser leg up to reveal a plaster about 15 cm long, and the width of couple of millimeters. 'Does it hurt?' He shakes his head and pokes it. I playfully slap his good wrist, and cover his exposed leg.

'And the doctors actually believed you?' He beams at me and I honestly don't believe him. 'Whatever you say hot shot,' I pull out my phone and tweet the worried Janoskianators. 

@SydneyAlice: Beaus all good. He's been playing the doctors and nurses - poor people.

I take a picture of me and Beau, and upload it, reassuring everyone. Instantly I get replies, I relay some of them to Beau making him laugh, I've missed this too much. 

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