Sluts, Barks, and a whole lot of weirdness

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Walking home was boring. At least I knew where I was going though, so there was a bright side. It took me on average 15 minutes to walk back to my house, it was going to be quite nice weather today, you could tell. It was already extremely sunny and heating up. As soon as I opened the door Katie came running, she dragged me upstairs, pushed me into her room and locked the door. Normal Katie behaviour. 

'Tell me everything! Did you kiss Beau? What are the twins like?! How bout James! Oh and Skip! Obviously you couldn't forget about-'

'Shut up!' That shut the poor girl right up. 'Well last night I went to a party at the beach I got drunk, Beau took me to his house and I woke up in his bed. Nothing happened. Luke's a lot quieter than Jai and Jai's a prick. So if you want a sister please choose Skip or James as your favourite,' I walk over to her door and unlocked it and just as I was about to walk out I shouted out to her my plans for the day. Pissed is not the correct word to describe the way she reacted.

I ran into my room locked the door and started getting ready for the day as if I had just woke up. I walked into my ensuite bathroom stripped off my clothes and had a shower. A headache loomed at the back of my head threatening to make an appearance. After the shower I took some paracetamol, got dressed into some black jean shorts, and a blue crop top. I wore white Nike air forces on my feet and after looking through my hat collection (containing snapbacks and beanies) I settled on a black and red OBEY one. I straightened my hair first and added the normal amount of back combing to get the right volume. After I put my hat on, I grabbed my smaller red backpack and put what I would need for my day in there. Money, phone, keys, spare clothes (you never know what I may end up doing!) and a water bottle. I got a text just as I packed all my stuff in. I reached into my backpack and fished around for my phone, wrapping my fingers around the cold metal I saw it was a text message from Carly.

C: Bring a bikini after we go to the plaza me, you and Alannah will be heading to the beach!

Great. I look in my wardrobe and remember that the only bikini I actually have is the one I wore yesterday! I'll have to buy a new one today. I packed an extra towel and decided it was time to leave for Carly's. God know's how long it would take me to get there but better being early than late. I walk down the stairs and almost run into my mother on the way giving her quite a shock.

'Sydney!' She wraps me into a tight hug. 'Where have you been? Are you going out again? If you are let me know what your up to during the day! I don't want to have to worry about you getting lost in Melbourne! I assume the people are friendly but i'm just thinking about the people that may be, um, you know extra friendly,' I shake my head at her.

'I'll be fine mum, i'm going out with some friends. Can I have my credit card please? I thought maybe I could buy some new clothes considering how I have like one bikini and not many pairs of shorts,' After about 10 minutes of convincing I had my shiny new credit card in my purse. The reason I have a credit card is because obviously mum works at Sony the music business  and my dad has been offered a better job as a photographer for a magazine here. I'm not spoiled I pay my family for rent because I like giving things back.

I leave my house with a grin on my face. I pull out my phone and earphones and start listening to I Found You by The Wanted. I admit that song is a bit too addicting but hey! I ain't complaining. I decide to text Carly to tell her i'm on my way.

M: On my way!

About 20 minutes later i'm walking down McGuiness Avenue trying to find 67. 

'Sydney!' I turn just in time to see Alannah walking towards me. She's wearing dark blue jeans, grey converse, a white vest top and a burgundy beanie. She loves those things apparently. Don't blame her, they are quite comfortable.

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