khun aguero agnis × reader I

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slight spoiler for the floor of death arc!

prompt: khun is so relieved to see that you're okay.


He had been so worried.

From the moment he saw you get separated from the group, he had been stressing over your well-being.
It was not like you were weak, far from that actually, but the mere thought of you being somewhere else, possibly in danger, without him being there to help you, made him anxious.
He was supposed to protect you, especially during such a hard time; and yet, all he could do was watch as you slipped away from him and the grasp of his hand.

Some kind of boyfriend he was.

So, when he saw you on that giant bettle, beside his dear friend Bam and the princess, he couldn't help the happiness overtaking his body. Neither you nor your friends were out of danger yet, but you were in front of him, without a single scratch, smiling fondly at his worried-self.

"So, are you going to stand there like an idiot forever? She's waiting for you, you know?" He scoffed at Endorsi, walking past her as he approached you.
You had started to move as well, your smile broading as your eyes shone brighter than anything else, making this wretched world a little better, a little easier to live on.

As soon as you were near enough, he had you secured in his arms, one hand on your waist and the other on your head, keeping you as close as humanly possible. He let out a sigh of relief, your calming scent overflowing his senses and your soothing voice whispering to him, reassuring him you were glad he was safe and that he did not need to worry.
He could not help the smile on his face, as you put one of your hands on his cheek, stroking it lightly with your thumb as you kissed him softly. He knew he had missed you, but it never dawned on him how much, not at least until he saw you again.

"I'm sorry for making you worry, my Aguero." He only let out a hum of acknowledgement, before he placed his lips on yours again, everything about you being so intoxicating. He wasn't usually one to be extra affectionate in public, but your lips were so alluring and he had missed so much, he couldn't help but relish in the taste of you; his hands found themselves in your hair, tangling in it and bringing you even closer to him. He couldn't help feeling this way, not after being apart from you in such a dangerous place; he had been desperate to know if you were okay or not, and now that he could confirm you were, he had finally let go of all of those pent-up emotions.

Even in this hellish place, with several enemies standing your way, he couldn't think of you anything less than perfect.

"Hey lovebirds, I know you guys missed each other and all that cute stuff, but it's not exactly the best time to start making out!" You laughed at your friend's statement, before taking his hand and guiding him where the others were.

"Come on, let's not make them wait any longer, shall we?" He simply smiled at you, tightening his grip on you as he caught up, walking right beside you.

You were not out of trouble yet, but with you by his side, he knew everything was going to be okay.

I just had to do my king first sorry guys; also, I know this oneshot is lowkey short, but I promise u they start having more words as I publish them (they also get better oof)

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