khun a.a. x reader x the 25th bam II

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prompt: did you and your boyfriend khun love each other? yes. did you two also happen to have a huge crush on bam, who was supposed to be your best friend (and accidental wingman!)? also yes.

fluff (a bit of angst ops) + khun and y/n (and bam!) being idiots in love cause I feel like u guys deserve some soft love after pure angst hehe

also! while I did some research on poly relationships, I still only have a general idea of how they work, so if I do end up making mistakes please feel free to correct me! 


When you had been chosen as one of the Regulars, you certainly didn't expect to have such a difficult love life.

To be honest, it hadn't seem that weird until some time ago when, after a day of fun with your friends, you had realized that you had a crush on your best friend, Bam- and to make things worse, he was also Khun's bestfriend, who so happened to be your boyfriend.

It wasn't like you had lost feelings for the blue haired man, you actually loved him a lot, your mind had just decided that apparently, for you to feel completely satisfied, you needed two significant others, and not only one (not entirely in the way you might be thinking, mind you!).
You had pondered on it for what felt like an eternity, your heart full with guilt towards your lovely boyfriend, fearing that he might misunderstand what you were saying and break up with you; he was really a delight to be with, and you were utterly wiped for him, but you couldn't help those growing feelings for the innocent irregular- Bam was charismatic and a really good friend, someone who had helped you multiple times, whether it was in battle or just to sort out your feelings.

But you knew better than share this secret with someone else- as supportive as your friends were, you didn't want to risk even in the slightest for such information to be leaked to the wrong person; people liked to talk and change things up, and the last thing you needed was some sort of made-up story of how you were cheating on Khun (as if you even had the time to do that).

One thing was for sure, you'd have to tell him one day, and it had to be done soon.


To say things took an unexpected turn was an understatement.

When you had decided to confess everything to your beloved, you certainly couldn't imagine him laughing awkwardly, casting his glance to the side as the smallest red hues appeared on his cheeks; he had then proceeded to tell you that he also shared those feelings of yours- you had ended the discussion with a good laugh and a cuddle session on his bed, talking quietly as you came up with the best idea the two of you could muster together.

It had probably been one of the best evenings in weeks for you, the ache in your chest gone as you let your feelings run free, your mind refreshed of all the worries you had; not only Khun had been extremely supportive of you, but he was also in the same situation! All you could from that point on was hope that Bam would share the same feelings.


Bam was tired and really, really confused.
Was he supposed to feel this way?
Was he supposed to like his two best friends, who also happened to be very in love with each other?

He felt horrible, his mind racing just at the thought you might not want to talk to him anymore, feeling disgusted and put off by such weird thoughts- wasn't love supposed to be only between two people? That's what Rachel had taught him, and although it pained him to say it, the most part of what she told him in the cave had been correct; and so, if hiding those feelings would let him stay by you guys' side, he would gladly do so.

But... why did it have to hurt so much? Why is it, that when he caught sight of you, his heart pleaded for him to blurt everything out, his whole complexion flushing just at the thought as he directed his gaze to his shoes? He longed to be closer to the two fo you, to be able to stand by your side as much more than a mere best friend.

"Oh dear... Bam, what happened?" 

He almost flinched, startled by the gentle voice coming from his side; you were crouching down, your hand cupping his cheek as you wiped away the tears that had gathered under his eyes, a worried frown settled on your face- he couldn't help but blush at the proximity, you were just too pretty.

Oh god, why did he have to fall for such beautiful people?

He tried not to mind the screaming voice inside his head, begging him to finally reveal his secret, completely toning down everything else around him; he should have never done that though, his whole body stiffening as he felt a pair of arms embracing him, your soothing voice whispering reassuring words in his ear. 

"Bam, I know this might not be the best time... but (Y/n) and I came here to talk with you." Did they find out somehow about his infatuation? He wanted to think about it more logically, his brain reminding him that it could not have been possible; unfortunately, his body didn't seem to understand that, and before anyone could do anything, he had put at least a couple of feet between the three of you, his hands shaking as he looked down, too scared to accept the reality of the facts.

"I-I wasn't going to do anything! I really didn't-" He could feel himself hyperventilating, "I didn't want to ruin your relationship!" 

"Bam." Your tone of voice was calm, your eyes looking at him with fondness as you reached out to him once more; this time, you took his hands in yours, your grip firm yet reassuring, almost like a safe place for him.

"At first I wasn't sure of what you thought you had done wrong, but now I might have an idea- you like the both of us, don't you?" His eyes widened, words flowing out of his mouth as he tried to explain himself; or at least, that was what he would have liked to do, if it wasn't for what you said next.

"We're here now because both Aguero and I have strong feelings for you, and we wanted to ask if you wanted to start a relationship with us."


Bam stayed still as your blue haired lover approached the both of you, smiling softly, a hand reaching out to ruffle your hair; as the irregular came to the realization that, yes, it was indeed real, his whole body seemed to turn red.

 He had made such a fool out of himself! If only he had let you talk first...

"Bam," Khun spoke "Would you be our boyfriend?"

He could only nod, extremely embarassed, as you brought your two boys in for a hug, giggling quietly- they were just too cute, you decided, as you basked in their love.


this was supposed to have a lot more fluff I'm sorry omg

also I did khunbam SO dirty (I'm sorry kings) + I'm late :I

speaking of that! from now I'll upload every other day, so I can write without any rush (like I did today ops)

+ I'll be going on vacation from august 1st to august 7th so idk if I'll be able to keep up with my schedule during that week! I'll try but I can't promise anything,,,

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