the 25th bam x reader III

616 17 14

prompt: when she accepted her father's quest, she didn't think she'd get so attached to simple mortals; and now, she's even ready to throw her life away for them.

BEFORE YOU START READING! the reader is a demigod from outside the tower, and she's the daughter of the greek god of the sea poseidon! her backstory is explained in the oneshot


You had hoped for so long that a day like this one would never come; even when you had accepted your dad's offer, the never stopping desire for an adventure had been completely against a title such as the god of the tower.
It had seemed so stale for you, something that would put at risk your (oh so) loved freedom and that would make your life dull; what was the fun in having to stand higher than anyone, feared and not being able to explore any place without knowing that you had already been there, and made it your own- it seemed like a nightmare, but your father hadn't been of the same opinion.

As the original ruler of the tower (it wasn't a coincidence after all, that the humans here were able to breath and fight thanks to the water around them), he had been extremely furious that a part of the administrators had turned their back from him- and for who, a mere mortal who was just the descendant of some god? Alas, because he had been banned from the Tower, he could just watch and wait for someone of his lineage to become strong enough to climb it- and guess what, the demigod he had been waiting for had finally arrived, and it was you!

So you had dived into the tower as an irregular, facing every obstacle thrown your way, but you hadn't been able to protect yourself from what most humans seemed so fond of, love.
It couldn't have been helped when your boyfriend, Bam, still to this day was one of the most brilliant beings you had ever encoutered; you were used to seeing mortals like him either waste their life or blindly follow whatever their king said, but the infamous irregular had been like a breath of fresh air- even when he had lost everything, he had never stopped, striving to become stronger to protect those who were dear to him. He had been the first one to change your way of thinking, making you understand just how important bonds with others were- and to be honest that scared you a lot.

You had found yourself in no time with a team full of people that were so important to you, and the possibility that you'd have to watch them grow old and die as you stayed immortal had become your biggest fear- would you be able to say goodbye to Bam, to watch him tear up as his beautiful golden eyes showed just how much he was hurting? Or even worse, to sob quietly as death slowly but surely guided his soul to the other side, his whole body turning colder and colder as he tried to make you feel better, like the amazing person he was?
Just the thought would make you panic, your intakes of breath shortening and your palms sweating- you swore to yourself you'd do everything in your power to never make that happen.


How stupid of you, to think that the gods (aside from your father, of course) out there would have your back.

You stared un horror at the sight in front of you, the body laying on a hospital bed, with a blanket on it to cover the now dead eyes of the corpse that, until a couple of minutes ago, had been your beloved.
He hadn't seen the attack coming, that's what the doctors had told you, and it had been obviously fatal, hitting him right where his heart was.
You felt like your world had stopped altogether, the room spinning as you tried to gather enough courage to walk any further; you knew some of the others had yet to come back, and you didn't want to encounter any of them at the moment, but it was so difficult to even take one step: you were aware that, once you would have approached him (you still coudn't bring yourself to call him 'it', even though he was just a corpse now), you'd have to accept the reality of the facts, that he was no longer by your side.

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