khun aguero agnis × reader II

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prompt: reader forgot an umbrella and khun keeps asking himself why he fell for such an idiot. modern au! 

also yeah I wrote this in 3rd person without noticing so I'm sorry for anyone that might have felt more comfortable with the you pronounce. this will be a one thing only unless requested in the future!


Sometimes he wondered why he liked her so much.

Don't get him wrong, (Y/n) was an amazing person, someone who could bring a smile to his face with so little effort, to the point where it almost scared him. Even so, while she never failed to make his heart flutter, she also never stopped surprising him with how stubborn and silly she could be at times. She had invited him over her house to help her study for their finals, insisting that they would walk home; and yet, when the last class of the day finished, and it was pouring outside, she had just nonchalantly said that she did not have an umbrella, and that they were going to have to run all the way to her house.

Oh, he was so going to strangle her.

"Are you insane? What is wrong with you? That is just going to get us sick, you idiot!" She just rolled her eyes at him, grabbing him by his wrist and leading him outside.

"Don't be so dramatic, it's barely a five minutes walk to the station! Listen, I'm sorry for forgetting to bring the umbrella, but I'll make it up to you!" He just grumbled, before interlacing his hand with hers; if he was going to do such a stupid thing, he wanted it to be at least as enjoyable as possible. He caught sight of the blush spreading over her features, but before he could ponder on wherever he had made a smart choice, she squeezed his hand back, sending a little smile his way. 

This was going to be a long day.


Throughout the whole walk, their conversations had been filled with playful banters, witty remarks and a little flirting from time to time. It had never been a secret to anyone that Khun had been pining after (Y/n) for quite a long time, but for some reasons, she seemed to be the only one who couldn't understand what he was doing. He admitted that he had been more on the subtle side, but for someone who had known him for so many years, he expected her to catch on things pretty quickly. To be fair, he thought, she could be such an airhead sometimes.

"Hey, Khun, why the long face?" He was snapped out of it by her question, quickly giving her a short answer as he fastened his pace, the tip of his ears burning as he avoided her gaze. No way he was going to let her see him in this state.

"Don't worry about it, let's just get to your house as quick as possible. Unless you want to get soaked wet, that is." Just as he said that, she stopped moving altogether, tugging on his arm as the both of them fell down, landing on a puddle as the blue-haired male freezed in shock.

"Stop being so boring Khun! The rain can be so beautiful and soothing, there's no need to be so hasty!" By now, he would have probably started screaming at her, lecturing her on how childish and idiotic this all was, but the words could not seem to be able to come out of his mouth, his eyes stuck on her figure as she rambled about how funny it was to play in the rain.

She looked so pretty right now, her eyes shining, like two little suns bringing light to the dark day, her cheeks tinted of a lovely shade of pink as she stood up, clinging to him as she complained about being cold. As if it wasn't her fault to begin with, he answered, receiving only a laughter back. He sighed, not immediately noticing how she had stopped talking, deciding to stare at him instead.

"Hey, Aguero." He hummed, looking back at her. If she was using his given name, then she must have had something important to say.

"You really are beautiful." His whole complexion had turned red, trying to come up with something; before he could say anything though, she had already grabbed him by his tie, meeting him in a quick kiss. It only lasted a couple seconds, and while it must not have been the best one, it was certainly an unforgettable moment for him. He brought his fingers to his lips, trying to impress the feeling of the softness of her lips in his mind; not to mention the faint perfume that lingered on her, which was only possible to smell if close enough.

"I... really like you, Aguero." He desperately tried to find some words, and when he realized he couldn't say anything, he resorted to one last thing.

Their second kiss was much slower, and it was something that both of them expected this time around. It didn't lack though, the fondness and affection they had for each other, as it had taken the place of the surprise, and left a much more satisfying experience.

"Does that mean you like me too, my cute little Aguero?" Here it was, the change of attitude he was expecting. It had seemed too good to be true to see such a serious expression on (Y/n) for this long. And yet, something in her eyes had changed. There was this glint of tenderness in her eyes, as she gazed at him an expression full of love.

He could only smile fondly at her, as they started walking to her house again, keeping her as close as possible. Even if it was a little embarassing, he decided not to comment on the nickname, at least not today. He had more important things to say.

"Yeah... yeah it does."


am I the only one that loves khun's first name???? like whenever someone (in their story) makes the reader call him aguero my heart just goes??? s o f t ??? 

also omg the kissing scene omg I hate how I described it but oh well I must improve somehow!!

anyways I literally have been so unproductive today??? like I usually either write or draw smth even if I don't go out but today I just literally lazed around the house wow
and it's not like I wasn't inspired?? like I've been thinking of drawing season 3 bam for thw whole day but it's just so hot today and I could not find any strenght to go and sit on smth that isn't either my couch or my bed 

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