endorsi jahad × reader I

453 18 1

I mean, I wrote about poly, why not write about a female character? also, although I use you, the character will be female!!

prompt: you just reunited with your friends and your brother, and yet, it seems that a little princess wants your undivided attention


 1.y/n was forced into joining FUG with bam (end season 1-start season 2) and so everyone thought she was dead as well

2. y/n is khun's sister!!


You smiled, as you watched your brother talk with Bam. After a long wait, you were finally able to join your friends again and climb the tower with them.
For the longest time, you were sure you were never going back to them, so to finally hug your brother and join your group again, it seemed like miracle.
It was for that exact same reason that, even though you were not the center of everyone's attention at that moment, you were content enough to just watch your friends party together, to watch them celebrate a brighter future.

Alas, a certain princess wasn't of the same opinion as you.

"(Y/n)! What do you think you're doing, sulking in the corner and letting Bam take all the glory? I thought kids from the Khun family were supposed to be more arrogant ." You sighed, looking at her with a tired smile as she sneaked up on you- she didn't waste time and grabbed your wrist, dragging you where your friends were.

"Endorsi, just because I'm resting here for a moment, it does not mean I'm sulking. Also, you should know better than to go by stereotypes, miss princess of Jahad. Were you not supposed to avoid love? Going on dates with Bam still counts as that you know."

You giggled as you watched her huff, the smallest hue of red settling on her cheeks as she looked to the side; it did bring a small pain in your heart, to see your crush be so genuinely interested in someone else, but that didn't matter- as long as she was happy, you'd try to hide that in the corner of your mind, hoping it would just go away. Like Endorsi said, you were a Khun after all, you deemed yourself to be quite smart.

"Who said I like him though?" You stared at her curiously, a confused look settled on your face as you waited for her to keep talking; when she didn't, you decided to take the matter into your own hand. To be completely honest, to see Endorsi so flustered amused you, being that it was quite a rare sight to see.

"Endorsi dear, you were the one who told me that you'd date him if you could." 

"Yeah, but that was in the past!" You merely hummed, still perplexed by what she said- if she really didn't like him anymore, then who was the new receiver of the princess' affections? 

Did something happen while you and Bam were separated from them? 

Your heart ached at the thought. Did you really matter so little to her, so that one could come in her life and make her forget about you? You could understand why she had liked the slayer candidate, Bam was a ray of hope for anyone, be it someone good or evil. You were absolutely nothing compared to him, chosen to be by his side by FUG just because they needed a hostage that could be killed anytime if your friend decided to go against them. The only great thing about you was your heritage, but even so, you hoped that you could be someone's special for at least one person.

And yet, as you watched her stumble upon her words, her face completely flushed as she fidgeted- you had no doubt in mind that whoever had caught her attention, had her complete devotion.

"So- (Y/n), what's up with you? Why are you crying?" Huh? You brought your hands to your face, confirming that yes, you had started crying and you felt absolutely mortified for it- just how stupid could you be?

Soon enough though, you were cleaned of your tears; you noticed a tissue in Endorsi's hands, as she stroked your cheeks gently.
She had a worried expression painted on her face, her eyes looking for any more signs of you crying.
Luckily, you had been able to pull yourself together in a time record, and now you were trying to distance yourself from her; it had been embarassing enough to do such a thing, all you wanted to do now was to lock yourself in your room and make your precious friend forget everything.

"I don't know why you're sad, but if it's something that has to do with what I said then I'll just shut up." You forced out a laugh, as you motioned her to continue- she deserved that at least.

"If you say so... well, the person I like..." You patiently waited for her to finish her sentence, your emotions threatening to burst anytime soon; you weren't sure you could handle such information, but maybe this would be just what you needed, the signal to start moving on.

"You're the one I like (Y/n)." You gaped at her, your eyes wide open as you tried to process what she had just said- did she seriously mean that? If she did, then all your problems would have been futile, just the work of your brain overthinking.

"You're serious?"

"Yes she is, you idiot. Did you seriously not notice?" You blushed, your whole complexion turning red as you tried to snap back to your brother. How could he ruin such a moment? That jerk, you were so going to get back at him!
You fumed as you made your way to A.A., that stupid smirk on his face as he stared you down.

As you bickered with him, you failed to notice the eyes of someone else staring fondly at you, a couple of feet behind you. Endorsi would have usually joined in the ruscus, but as she looked at your flustered self, she decided you were just too cute to stop now.

Besides, she was fairly certain of your feelings towards her.


So, this is my first x female character omg and I ofc had to write it at 1am yes queen you slay!

+I was thinking of writing more of the khun x reader x bam cause it was really fun to write and I have a lot of inspo for it, but that'll be after I get some other character out n a couple of the drafts I have (I have another angsty oneshot for khun but I'll save that for later on, I fell like I posted enough angst at once)

+the other day I was out with some friends (where I'm from the lockdown was lifted since there are really few positive cases of covid) and I met some old teammates,,, one of them was kind of a childhood friend but we never really got that much along and she was like (with kind of a nasty tone??) "oh did you do anything after you quit or are you still doing nothing?"

don't worry girl, I'm sucking anime dicks for free <3

maybe it's time to stop writing for me oops
(future me because I'm proofreading this the day after- I didn't actually say  that but I lowkey wish I did oops)

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