pre-serum fights || stucky

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Steve winced in pain as yet another foot collided with his ribs. At this point, he had a severe black eye, a couple of bruised ribs, was bleeding from most of his body, and was about to go into an asthmatic fit.

But he still didn't give up. He shakily drew himself up from the ground, and put his hands in a weak fighting position. "I-I can do this all day," he said.

The bully lifted his fist again and gave Steve another blow, knocking him back to the ground. He was about to kick Steve again, before he was ripped away from someone behind him. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" The man said, before punching the bully straight across the face and kicking him from behind.

The man walked over to Steve and pulled him up from the ground. He wrapped his arm around Steve's waist, putting Steve's arm over his shoulder. "Sometimes I think you like getting punched," he said.

Steve rolled his eyes. "I had him, Buck."

"I know you did."

Bucky half carried, half dragged Steve back to their shared apartment. When they got inside, Bucky lightly placed Steve down on the couch, before running off to get Steve's inhaler. After making sure Steve could breathe properly, Bucky brought him a change of clothes and a blanket.

"Bucky, I can handle myself."

"I know you can, Steve. I'm just trying to help. Change your pants, but leave your shirt off."

"W-what?" Steve asked, blushing.

A faint smile appeared on Bucky's lips. "Just do as I say." Bucky walked off to the kitchen, and Steve began undressing. He took of his dirty, bloody clothes and put on the fresh pair of pants, but leaving off a shirt, as Bucky instructed him to do. A few moments later, Bucky returned with an ice pack and a wet towel. He sat down next to Steve on the couch, and placed his hand on Steve's bruised stomach. Steve blushed to his roots and tried to avoid Bucky's eyes. "Does this hurt?" Bucky asked, applying a light pressure to his stomach.

"A little," Steve responded.

"Here," Bucky said, handing Steve the ice pack. "Hold this to your stomach. I don't think you've broken any ribs, but this will help the swelling and bruising go down."

Steve complied and held the cold ice pack to his stomach, still trying to avoid making eye contact with Bucky. That didn't last long, however, because just then Bucky lightly placed his hand on Steve's chin and turned his face toward him, inspecting his cuts and bruises.

"Geez, Steve, you really gotta be more careful."

"I know, Buck. But he was saying sexist things. I couldn't just do nothing."

Bucky smiled softly. "I wouldn't expect you to."

With Steve's face still in his hand, Bucky took the wet towel and lightly wiped away all the dried blood from Steve's face. Once he was finished, he set the towel aside, but he didn't let go of Steve's face. He softly brushed his thumb over Steve's black, swollen eye, giving Steve a sad look.

"I'm ok, Bucky. Really, I'm fine."

Bucky was quiet for a moment before he responded.
"I just don't know what I'd do if something happened to you," Bucky said, surprising Steve.


"I know you're never going to stop fighting. You wouldn't be yourself if you did. But you've got a lot of ailments, Steve. I mean, you could've had an asthma attack right there in that alley, and you could have died. And you can't die. I need you."

"I'm not going to die. Not as long as I have you."

Bucky smiled softly at Steve, but didn't look too convinced. "Are you hungry?" He asked, changing the subject. "I'll make us some dinner."

"Yeah, sure."

As Bucky made his way to the kitchen, Steve pulled out his sketchbook. He began a sketch of himself sitting on the couch as Bucky cleaned off his face. He worked diligently for about a half an hour, trying to get Bucky's face perfect, until he heard Bucky returning from the kitchen. He quickly snapped his sketchbook shut. Bucky walked over and handed Steve his plate and sat down beside him, his own plate in hand.

"Thanks, Buck," Steve said piling food in his mouth. "It's delicious."

"You're welcome," Bucky said, smiling slightly as he watched Steve eat.

Once they were finished, Bucky put the plates in the sink and came back out to help Steve get to his room. He offered Steve his hand and pulled him up from the couch. He slung an arm around Steve's shoulder and together they walked to Steve's room. Steve sat lightly on his bed. After making sure Steve had taken his medicine and wasn't in too much pain, Bucky turned to go.

"Goodnight, Steve," he said.

"Night, Buck." After a seconds pause he added "Thanks. Not just for tonight, but for every night."

"You're welcome. Now get some sleep. You've got another enlistment form to lie on tomorrow."

Steve chuckled. He feel asleep pretty easily that night, dreaming only of Bucky.


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