stucky script || evanstan

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Chris' mouth dropped open as he read the script he was gripping tightly in his hands. He stared at the pages in front of him, mind going blank. After what had to be twenty minutes of mindlessly staring at the lines written on the thick script, Chris slowly blinked. He could not believe what he was reading.

He had been given his most recent script for his final movie with the MCU. The movie was so secretive, they'd given the full script to almost no one. They gave the actors bits and pieces of their scripts, a few days before filming that specific part. They were trying their hardest to not have any part of the movie spoiled or leaked, and not even telling the actors what was happening was the best way to do that.

Steve was in a large amount of the movie so Chris had a decent idea of the movie's plot and he had his theories about the rest of it. He thought he knew what his character's ending was going to be. Chris' time working with Marvel had come to an end, and consequently, this was going to be Cap's last movie. And Chris thought he knew how Steve's story was going to end. But what he had just read? Not something he would have ever imagined.

His hands shook as he reread the page, making sure it said what he thought it said.

It did.

The Russos had written in a relationship for Steve. They had written in a kiss.

Not with Peggy. Not with Sharon. Not even with Natasha, as some fans wanted.

No, they had written in a kiss with Bucky. Bucky.

Chris was sure this had to be a prank. Sure, he'd thought about the potential of "stucky" throughout his last ten years of playing Steve. But he never thought it'd become reality. Marvel never wrote gay characters, and they'd already tried so hard to diminish Steve and Bucky's relationship to just a friendship, by making Peggy a constant thought in Steve's mind.

But now? Chris needed to call someone to see if this was real. He picked up his phone and his immediate thought was to call Sebastian.

Oh god, Sebastian.

Chris felt his entire face and neck grow hot and he was sure he was a tomato red. His stomach curled into a deep knot and his breathing became heavier.



If this was real... If that script was real, that means that Chris would have to kiss Sebastian.

Oh, god. He wasn't sure what to think. He'd kissed plenty of people for a role. And he knew Sebastian had too. Hell, Sebastian had even kissed guys before for a role. That was no big deal. He knew how to stage kiss. He knew how to kiss and make it mean nothing. But somehow, he didn't think any kiss with Sebastian could mean nothing, even if it was a staged kiss between two characters they were playing.

Sebastian was his best friend. They'd been friends for ten years. They'd had so many late nights, and drunken nights, and hungover mornings together. They'd helped each other through anxiety attacks. They'd helped each other through relationships and breakups. They had talked about almost everything. They were friends. But the thought of kissing Sebastian did things to Chris that he couldn't explain. The thought of kissing him in front of dozens of assistants, directors, editors, fellow cast mates. Kissing him in front of their friends. It made Chris' stomach churn uncomfortably.

He knew he had to call Sebastian. He took him an hour, and three beers, to work up the courage, but he knew he had to. They often called each other after getting new scripts to discuss them (even though they technically weren't supposed to, especially with a script as important and secretive as this one). But most of Sebastian's scenes often had Chris in them anyway so it wasn't a huge deal. Besides, he trusted Sebastian. He knew he wasn't gonna go around spoiling things. Chris hadn't actually discussed his recent scrips that much with anyone - he'd been too busy. But something this big? He knew he had to talk to Sebastian about it. He wanted- he needed- to know what he thought about it.

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