seb's breakup || evanstan

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Chris was sitting in his living room, Dodger's head in his lap, and his work spread out on the table in front of him. It was mid-afternoon but nearing night time, and the sun had begun to set. As the sun began to disappear for the night, the last of its rays streamed into the room through Chris' large windows, casting light over all the papers and beer bottles lying haphazardly on the table.

Chris peered over loose script pages and scrolled through his countless unanswered emails, as he absentmindedly scratched Dodger's ears, when he heard a knock his door. Dodger heard it too and his head and ears perked up as he started barking in the door's direction.

"Shh, boy. It's ok," Chris reassured his dog before walking over to answer the door, making a mental list of who he thought would come visit him, unannounced, at this hour.

Scott? No, he always called first. Besides, he wasn't even in Boston at the moment. His parents? He hoped not. Them just showing up without telling him couldn't mean good news. "Sebastian?"

Chris stared, startled by the man he had just opened his door to. Sebastian didn't respond and Chris tried again. "Sebastian...?"

Sebastian met Chris' eyes and it was then that Chris realized the state Sebastian was in. His normally vibrant blue eyes shone a little less bright as they were puffy and red. His face was flushed pink, and it dawned on Chris that he had probably been crying. He was nervously wringing his hands and shifting his weight back and forth on his feet. "Seb? Are you alright?" Chris asked, worry coursing through his veins.

"I'm sorry- I didn't know where else to go. It was stupid of me to come here. I'll leave." Sebastian said, voice sounding just as broken as he looked.

"Hey," Chris said, reaching out a wrapping a hand around Seb's wrist, stopping him from walking away. "Come inside."

"No, really, Chris, I don't want to be a bother."

"You've never bothered me, Seb. Just please come inside. It's getting cold out here."

Sebastian nodded slowly, consenting, and entered Chris' house. As Seb walked by him, Chris realized he was still holding Sebastian's wrist. He quickly dropped it, but immediately missed the warmth as soon as it was gone.

When they had gotten inside, Sebastian was met with a very enthusiastic Dodger, who was jumping on him and trying to lick his face. Sebastian laughed and knelt down to pet Dodger, and even though Chris knew he should probably calm Dodger down, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Because Dodger was making Sebastian smile and it was too good of a sight to make it stop.

"Do you want something to drink? A beer? Or some hot chocolate maybe?"

"Sure, hot chocolate sounds good," Sebastian said from the floor, where he was now laying down with Dodger's large body sprawled over him.

Chris laughed at the sight, before making his way to the kitchen. After a few minutes, he set two mugs of hot chocolate down on his kitchen island, and went to call Dodger off Sebastian so he could stand back up.

Sebastian pushed himself off the floor, brushing loose dog hair off his clothes, before scratching Dodger's head again. He followed Chris to the kitchen, where they sat side by side on stools at the island.

For a minute, they didn't say anything. Just wordlessly sipped their drinks, before Sebastian spoke, voice quiet and nervous.

"I'm sorry for just showing up here."

"I don't mind. It wasn't like I was doing anything important anyway. Just work."

Sebastian gave him a small smile. "Still, it was rude of me to just show up unannounced."

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