silent treatment || stucky

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Steve wasn't sure what he had done to make Bucky so upset, but Bucky hadn't talked to him in days. He had tried talking to Bucky, but it was damn near impossible, even though they shared an apartment. Bucky got up and left every morning before Steve was awake and came home much after dark, when Steve was asleep. There were a few times Steve had stayed awake to talk to Bucky, but it was no use, because most of the time Bucky came home way too drunk to hold a conversation.

Steve was worried for Bucky, but with each passing day that Bucky ignored him, he grew angrier and angrier. They were best friends. If Bucky was angry about something, he needed to be an adult and tell Steve about it. The fact that he was just ignoring him with no explanation was pissing Steve off.

The worst part, though, was that even though Bucky was ignoring him, he didn't stop caring for him. Every morning when Steve woke up, breakfast was waiting for him in the kitchen. And on the nights when he'd fallen asleep on the couch, waiting for Bucky, he'd wake up the next morning in his bed, covered with blankets. And when one of his medicine bottles got empty, it was replaced the next day. Bucky was still taking care of Steve in every possible way and that pissed him off way more than a silent treatment ever would.

Steve couldn't think of any reason that Bucky would still be taking care of him but wouldn't speak to him. Did Bucky actually hate him, but thought Steve was pitiable and had some sense of moral obligation to keep taking care of him? Or did Bucky meet someone who he wanted to spend all his time with and couldn't bring himself to cut Steve off completely? Steve didn't know. And it was killing him.

After three painful, lonely weeks of them not speaking, Steve had had enough.

That night, Steve drank as many cups of coffee as he could handle, until he was so caffeinated he couldn't sleep. He intended to stay awake and wait until Bucky got up in the morning and not let him leave until they talked.

It was a relatively good plan, but it had Steve bouncing off the walls from too much energy. He didn't normally drink coffee, so six cups might have been a little much. He spent most of the night pacing back and forth in his room, replaying in his head exactly what he wanted to say to Bucky in the morning. With each passing hour, Steve grew more nervous. It was stupid to be nervous just to talk to your best friend, but somehow Steve feared this conversation might be different. He was afraid Bucky would tell him he hated him, or that he didn't want to be friends anymore, or something else that would ruin their friendship.

Finally, after way too many long, energetic, nerve wracking hours, Steve heard Bucky come out of his room and start to walk towards the kitchen. Steve took a deep breath and exited his room. Bucky heard Steve's door close and he turned around. They stood there for a few moments, in the hallway, staring at each other, neither daring to speak.

"I can't do this anymore!" Steve blurted out, finally.

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked, hesitantly.

"What do I mean? Are you kidding me?! Bucky, this is the first time I've heard your voice in three weeks."

"I-I've been busy."

Steve was fuming. He couldn't believe Bucky was outright denying ignoring him. "Bullshit. Bull. Shit."

Bucky sighed. "Look, Steve, I don't know what you want me to say."

Tears prickled at the corner of Steve's eyes. "Say something. Please. Tell me why you've been ignoring me. Tell me what I did. Bucky, I can't handle this anymore. Please." Steve's voice cracked at the last word.

Bucky's heart broke. He knew what he was doing was probably hurting Steve, but he didn't know it was hurting him that much. "I-I can't, Steve. I'm sorry."

Bucky's words broke the floodgates, and tears streaked down Steve's face. "Bucky, whatever I did to you, I'm so sorry. I-I'm not sure if I hurt you or said something to offend you, but whatever I did, I'm sorry. Please just tell me so I can fix it. You are the only good thing in my life, Buck. You are my best friend, and I can't live without you. I can't keep going like this. I can't keep thinking that you hate me. So, please, just tell me what I did."

"Fine. I'll tell you what you did," Bucky said, voice weak and tears pooling in his eyes. "You made me fall in love with you."

Steve's mouth dropped open in surprise, but he couldn't get himself to formulate a sentence. Out of everything he imagined Bucky saying to him, that was absolutely not one of them.

When Steve didn't respond, Bucky continued. "I hate you because I love you. And I was ignoring you because every time I look at you, or hear your voice, I fall in love with you even more. I know it's wrong, and I hate myself for it, but I can't help how I feel. I was hoping if I ignored you, the feelings would go away. But they didn't. They only got stronger and made me miss you even more. I'm sorry, Steve. I'm sorry for hurting you, for ignoring you... for loving you- I'm sorry for everything."

Steve, still in shock, was only able to stare back at Bucky. Bucky shook his head and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Steve said, running up to him. Bucky turned around and Steve, not really thinking, threw his arms around Bucky's neck and leaned up and placed their lips together. Bucky's eyes flew open in shock, but he quickly recovered and dissolved into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Steve's fragile waist. In reality, their kiss lasted only seconds, but to them, it felt like a lifetime.

"I wish you had told me this weeks ago."

Bucky chuckled softly. "I didn't think you'd feel the same."

"I've loved you forever."


"Really. So, no more silent treatments?"

"No more silent treatments."

"Good," Steve said, and connected their lips again.


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