bisexuality || stucky

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Steve was sitting with Peter Parker in the Avengers compound. They were sitting on one of the couches in their common area, and Peter was trying to catch Steve up on all the modern ideas and things he was still confused on.

Steve had been rushed immediately into missions when he came out of the ice, and he was never given time to truly adjust to a new life 70 years in the future. Everything was still difficult to adjust to and everyone could see that Steve was struggling. Peter thought that if he could help him understand some pop culture, it might help him, even a little bit.

Peter had just finished explaining what a "meme" was, when he hesitantly brought up the subject of sexuality. He knew that people still had a hard time understanding and accepting it in modern times, and he knew that it was worse in the 1940s. But he knew Steve was kind-hearted and would be accepting, and he thought that it was an important thing to talk about.

"Mr Captain America, sir," he said. "Have you ever heard of the lgbtq community?"

"Uh, no," Steve responded. "I don't think I have."

"Well, uh, I know things were a little different back in the day, but people are a lot more accepting of same-sex couples and different sexualities and genders now. And the lgbtq community is a community of those people."

"Oh. Like a community of gay people? People are accepting of that now?"

"Yeah, mostly. You know, there's still those assholes who aren't, but for the most part, people are really supportive."

"Hmm," Steve mused softly. "Back in the day, people were practically executed for... you know, loving someone of the same sex."

"Things have come a long way since then."

"Yeah. Having a whole community of gay people... that would never have happened."

"And it's not just for people who love the opposite gender. There's lots of different sexualities."

"Really?" Steve asked. "Like what?"

"Like pansexual, asexual, bisexual- "

"Uh, what's bisexual?" Steve asked hesitantly.

"Oh, it means you're attracted to more than one gender. Like, typically it means you're attracted to both males and females."

"That's a thing?"

"Of course. Pretty much everything is a thing."

"Does it mean you're attracted to both men and woman equally?"

"Not necessarily. Some people can lean towards one gender more than another."

"Oh." Steve said plainly, and Peter could tell he was lost in thought. Steve hesitated for a moment. "What if, um, someone's only been attracted to one gender mostly, but is attracted to, um, only one person of a different gender?"

"They could still be bisexual," Peter answered, glancing inquisitively at Steve. "They could just have a strong preference towards the one gender."

"And that's- It's ok?"

"Of course it's ok. Anyone should be able to love anyone they want, regardless of sexuality or gender or identity. Anyone who tells you otherwise is an asshole."

"Yeah, not in the 1940s."

"Good thing it's not the 1940s anymore, sir."

Steve laughed a little. "You don't have to call me sir, Peter."

"Oh, right. Sorry, Mr Captain America."

Steve chuckled and shook his head slightly. "So, about the whole bisexual thing. How do you know?"

"How do you know you're bisexual?" Peter asked and Steve gave a nervous nod, which Peter noted, curiously. "Well, sometimes it's hard to know what you identify as. If you know you feel attracted to your own gender and another gender, you could consider yourself bisexual. But it's sometimes difficult to put labels on things, so you don't have to, you know."

Steve nodded, quietly. They sat in silence for a few minutes, until Peter gained the courage to ask Steve why he was so curious about that particular sexuality. Right as he opened his mouth to speak, they heard the door swing open.

Steve's head snapped towards the door, where a certain soldier with a metal arm came walking in, holding a small paper bag. Peter noticed a large smile grow across Steve's face, one that he didn't think Steve showed to anything, or anyone, else.

"Hey, Buck," Steve breathed.

"I got us some snacks," Bucky said, gesturing slightly to the bag in his hand. "If you, uh, still wanna watch that movie?"

Steve practically leapt off the couch. "I'd love to." Steve turned to Peter. "And thanks, Parker, for the talk. It was... enlightening."

"Anytime," he said and as he watched Bucky sling a large arm around Steve's shoulder and Steve sink into Bucky's side, he thought he understood exactly  why Steve was so interested in bisexuality.

hi guys. a little oneshot inspired by the attached prompt. i was gonna have peter explain other sexualities in more detail, but i didn't want to get anything wrong and accidentally offend anyone.

anyway today's the 4th of july, but since america is a shitty country, we celebrate steve rogers' birthday and steve rogers' birthday only.

thanks for reading. ily.

published: 7/4/20

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