Chapter 3

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(6 years later)
(Your POV)

"finally! Freedom!"
You shout a bit to loudly after you walked into the airport. Your flight just landed, and you couldn't be more happy about it. Maybe now you can finally get to have some fun! And a lot of sleep.


you hear a knock on the door and peek through the curtains to see who's there. You rush to open the door once you realize that it's a police officer.

"hello sir! How may I help you?"

"I have come to inform you of some terrible news."

You turn your head slightly in confusion and worry. "what happened?"

"your parents have gotten into a life claiming accident..."

you stood there as your eyes started tearing up. "and as a result, your fathers business has been passed onto you."

(End of flashback)

you've only been the owner of your fathers business for a year but it got to overwhelming. It was never your dream to take over your fathers business anyway. So you decided to move to Seoul. But that wasn't the only reason you moved here.

"who am I kidding. He's a popular idol now. He probably forgot about me... they would never let me see him anyway. Even if he does remember me, he never came back to see me. i was just there to keep him busy...just a distraction..."

"get ahold of yourself y/n! Just forget about him already!" You took a cab to get to the city. Once you reached it you decided not to use anymore money on this cab then needed.

"thank you for bringing me here!"

"just doing my job." You start walking in a random direction hoping to find the hotel you booked."

"So first I have to get a job, and then I'll rent a cheep apartment. And we will see what happens after that."

You've been walking for half an hour now and you still can't find it. "stupid google maps! I'm so tired!"

You stop for a moment once you hear your stomach grumble. "great! Now I'm tired and hungry!"

You stop to look around hoping you find some place to sit and eat. To your luck there's a cafe across the street. Once you get there you order a cup of coffee and a delicious looking slice of cake.

You sit down at a table near the window waiting for your food. You look around the unfamiliar cafe and you land your eyes on a somewhat familiar face.

"why do I feel like I've seen him before?" Wait...that's one of the members of bts!

You paused for a moment not realizing he's staring right back at you. Once you realize you instantly look away a bit embarrassed.

"May I help you?" It's the bts guy.

"n-no thank you. Uh sorry for staring at you like just looked like someone that I've seen before."

"weird. I was thinking the same thing about you."

"y-you were?"

"yup. If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"l/n f/n."

(A/n) l/n means last name and f/n means first name.

" l/n f/n. Wait! Now I remember! Do you know who min yoongi is?"

"well...if your talking about min yoongi in bts then yes. You might not believe me but I was his friend before he became an idol."

"of course I believe you! Yoongi used to talk about you all the time!"

"he did?..."

"yep!" You had a slight smile on your face after hearing that. But it was quickly replaced with a frown once you remembered that yoongi never visited or even called you...

"oh, I'm so sorry! I forgot my manners. I'm Kim namjoon."

'well it's nice to meet you Kim namjoon. oh, my cake!"

the cafe worker gave you your cake and coffee, and then you gave him the won and then he left.

"umm...would you like to see yoongi again?"

You stoped eating for a moment and looked at him. "you would actually take me to see him?"

"if you would like to."

"I don't know... I haven't seen him In years. Does he even remember me?"

"sure he does! He hasn't really talked about you, but... that's probably because he's told us everything he remembered!"

That last sentence made you smile slightly. "Would you be able to meet me here again tomorrow?"

"does that mean you will go!?"

"if you could drive me there tomorrow then yes."

"of course I can!"

"why are you so excited to take me there anyway?"

"well to tell you the truth, yoongi has been really upset and depressed lately. So once I saw you here I knew that you probably were the answer! You couldn't have come at a better time!"

"I should be going now. I still need to find my hotel."

"I could help you if you would like me to?"

"that would be great!"
So Namjoon took you to the hotel which was only a few blocks away. You said your goodbyes for now and got yourself set up in the hotel.

"I really hope he didn't forget me..."

(A/n) is it any good? Like I said this is my first fanfic so I really am sorry for mistakes or if it's no good. But if you did read it or are planning on continuing to read thank you so much!

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