Chapter 9

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(Your POV)

It was Friday. You've just finished a successful first day of work, and decided to hang out with jungkook at the mall for a bit.

(A/n) jungkook was at the cafe before your shift ended, so your just hanging out.

"That was delicious! I honestly can't remember when I had such good fast food." You said

"I'm glad you enjoyed it y/n! But it's really late. We should get back."

"Ok." You and jungkook walked out together, still chatting away.

"I'm really sorry that I can't drive you back..."

"It's ok kookie! I can walk back. I'll be fine on my own."

"Are you sure? It's dangerous to walk alone this late at night."

"But didn't you just say that you can't drive me back though?"

He looks down at his feet witch probably means he already forgot.
"Your safety is more important then me getting scolded by Jin"

"I'll be fine. Trust me." You look up at him showing a reassuring smile.

"Alright. But call me if there's any trouble. Wait. You don't have my number, do you?"

"Nope" you open your contacts and hand him your phone. He quickly puts his number in and hands it back.

"See you on Sunday!" Jungkook drives off and you start walking back home.

(Time skip)

Your feet are getting tired after all that walking in the mall and now this.
The hotel is farther away then I thought...

You look to your right and see a dark alley way. "The hotel is just across from the alley. I guess I could take a short cut." You look at it a little longer still hesitating if you should go in or not.

Every inch of your body is telling you no. Except for your tired feet. You decide to take the shortcut.

You start walking down it slowly, glancing to your left and right constantly.

You stoped once you heard a noise behind you. I've seen way to many movies to not know what that is

You where about to dash out as fast as you could. But something stoped you. A tall man dressed in black was standing in Your way.

Your eyes widened while your thoughts ran wild thinking of all the things that could possibly happen to you right now.

"E-excuse me sir..." you managed to spit something out, but never made eye contact.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" He had a mask on but you where sure he was smirking under that mask of his.

"I sai-"you where cut off by the gun that was inches away from your face.

"Scream once and I'll shoot"

Tears threatened to fall from your eyes. "Wha-what do you want?" You said shakily.

Another guy steps out from behind you and grabs your wallet from you back pocket. He scavenges through it grabbing any money he can find.

"You carry more then you probably should. But i guess we just got lucky.
She's got a lot in here. A bank card, tones of money, amd more."

"Then I guess we could just take the whole thing."

"P-please let me go..." you stuttered.

"Well I don't see why we have to do that just yet." He starts walking towards you. You walk back but eventually hit your back to a wall.

Tears started sliding down your cheeks. The men stoped walking only a couple feet away. One of them starts playing with your hair and the other one just watches for a moment.

"Should we let her go? She is a pretty one and that's for sure."

You were shaking immensely. You were to scared to even move. They one guy kept brushing through your hair with his fingers, and the other guy was reaching to touch your cheek.

As soon as he placed his hand on your cheek something clicked inside of you.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" You kicked him as hard as you could causing him to drop the gun. You ran away as fast as possible, hearing them laugh behind you.

You ran into the hotel crying. Once you reached the door to your room you realized that your card to open the door  was in your wallet.

You slid your back down the front of your door crying into your knees.
"Why...why did this happen to me...?"

You lifted you head remember that you still had your phone. You reached into your pocket and turned your phone on.
You dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

You explained the whole situation to the officer on the phone. "Don't worry ma'am, we're sending someone over now."

The call ended and you felt a bit more at ease after that. You looked at your phone and went to your contacts. You weren't sure if you should call yoongi  or not. After a moment of thinking You decided that you should call him.


"Y/n? *yawns* how come your still up?"

"Well...something happened on my way back from the mall..."

"What?! Ok tell me what happened. And don't leave anything out."

"*sighs* it was a much longer walk then I expected so I decided to take a short I started walking down the alley-

"You where walking down a dark alley alone at 12 am!? What where you

"I know that it was a bad decision...well at least I do now..."

"*sigh* I'm sorry I yelled at you. Please continue."

"Well I heard a noise so I stoped to see what it was. But once I turned around again there was this guy wearing nothing but black holding a gun to my head..."

A tear slid down you cheek after remember what happened.

"A GUN!?  You don't need to explain anymore! Where are you?"

"I'm at my room in the hotel. But I can't get in because they stole my wallet. And it had my key card in it..."

"Just stay calm. I'll be there soon!"

"Please come quickly..."

(A/n) hello again! Did you enjoy this chapter? If so please leave a comment! And vote! ⭐️
And please let me know if there's to many time skips. Once again thanks for reading!💜

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