Chapter 22

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(Third person POV)

He was pacing back and forth in front of the window, impatiently waiting for a letter to arrive. Yoongi kept checking his watch to see how long he's been waiting.

"Yoongi. You pacing like that is not going to get it here any faster." Namjoon notifies Yoongi about his behaviour not being of any help to there situation.

"But I've been waiting for hours!" Yoongi pouts at Namjoon while complaining.

"Just calm down. I'm sure it will be he-

"It's here!" Yoongi cuts namjoon off by his yelling. He opens the door and digs his hand into the mailbox. Pulling the note out of the small metal box, he brings it inside and closes the door.
Everybody waits in anticipation for Yoongi to read the letter.

Here are your directions.
Go to a very recently visited location. There will be a clue hidden on where you have to go next.
And don't try anything funny. The rules are the same as last time. Any interactions with the authorities, and the girls dead.
And I would hurry if I were you. The pretty little thing might not be able to take much more.
And there's a little gift for you on the back of the letter.

Yoongi was once again angered by this mans words. And flipping the letter over didn't help much ether. Yoongi's eyes widened in complete shock. He stumbled slightly at the sight, handing the letter to the others.

After reading it, they turned it over only to become startled by the unexpected image.

It was y/n. She was tied up in a chair and couldn't even look at the camera. There was a man dressed in black and wearing a mask to keep his identity hidden. He was leaning down behind her with his hand covering her mouth and his other holding a knife to her throat.

It was a typical kidnapping scene. But instead of seeing it in a movie or a book, it was real.

Seokjin looked up from the paper and saw Yoongi slowly getting angrier and angrier the more he thought about it.

"Why that son of a-"
He cut his own words off by slamming his fist on the wall and leaning his forehead against it.

Seokjin walked towards him and placed his hand on Yoongi's back.
"why does it hurt? Knowing that she's there, hurt, and scared...but I'm not there to help her."

He lifts his head up from the wall and starts fighting the tears that threaten to fall from his eyes. "What if...what if we can't help her in time? What if after all this work, after all her pain and suffering, we can't save her in time?"

He looks up at Seokjin and let's a tear slide down his cheek. "There is no, what if. We were given two whole weeks to save her, And this is only our third day of searching. We've already gotten so far. Don't think about the consequences, only think about seeing her smiling face again."

Yoongi refused to look up at Seokjin after what he said. He let a few tears fall from his dark orbs but soon wiped the rest away.

He straightened himself out and gathered everything together before heading into the garage. "Cmon Guys! We have to continue looking for her!"

The others only smiled and wiped the tears from there eyes, And then ran into the garage after Yoongi.

Once they started the car they drove off somewhere. "So where are we going exactly?" Jimin asked.

"Isn't it obvious? A very recently visited place. Whoever wrote the letter is talking about the mansion with the stupid legend." Yoongi answered jimin's question with a harsh tone.

"I've got to admit that there making this pretty easy." Namjoon admitted.

"Your right. But I have a feeling that pretty soon, it's not going to be this simple."

(Taehyung's POV)

After an hour of driving, they finally arrived and got out of the van. They climbed the fence and started to walk down the dirt road.

They started to search the building as soon as they got in. They searched the bottom floor for a while until Taehyung found a staircase leading to the second floor. It creaked a lot but he soon made it to the top.

But it wasn't any better up there. It was actually a lot worse. He didn't want to continue searching up stairs anymore.

Who knows, just one more step forward and he could fall right through. He was just about to turn around until he sees an envelope laying on a dresser near a bent bed frame with a burnt mattress laying on top.

He gulped and started to slowly make his way towards the envelope. The floor creaked with every step he made. He became more and more stressed the further he went. He started to reach for the envelope, he grabbed it and was about to start heading back but luck wasn't on his side.

The floor broke from beneath him, he yelled and everybody rushed to were the yelling was coming from. "Taehyung!" Jungkook shouted and ran to Taehyung to see if he was alright.

(Yoongi's POV)

Everybody else rushed to Taehyung as soon as they entered the room. "Are you hurt!? What happened!?" Yoongi yelled, worried for his friend.

"I don't know how, but nothing feels broken. I did land on this surprisingly comfy couch." Taehyung showed his famous box shaped smile as he sat up.

"Oh thank goodness." Yoongi felt relieved once he hugged Taehyung's surprisingly unharmed body.

Everybody seemed a bit surprised at his actions. Yoongi's not normally the one to show this kind of affection. "Are you Alright hyung?" Taehyung asked the man who just pulled away.

He looked down and sighed. "No...I'm not ok. I get angered easily, I'm all of a sudden really jumpy, and I've become way more worried for your guys well being. I just want to find y/n and go back to the way things were..."

Taehyung remembered something after Yoongi mentioned y/n. "Oh guys! I found the note!" Taehyung showed another smile and handed the note to Yoongi.

He grabbed it and ripped it open. "Oh come ON!" Yoongi carelessly dropped the note on the floor and tried his hardest to stay calm.

The others grabbed it and soon knew the reason for Yoongi's yelling. It's nothing but a picture of a sign saying speed limit 70. And nothing more then a road with trees along the sides.

"So were supposed to find this place? That could take forever!" Jimin complained while crossing his arms.

"I know...but it doesn't look like we have much of a choice. Here, to make this easier let's examine the photo a bit more." Namjoon suggests with a bit more confidence.

They all looked at the photo for a while to see if they could find anyway to help them identify the place. A few of them pointed out a few things, like a place to park your car off to the side with a small path leading into the trees.

"Well that's all I can see that would be any different." Hoseok sighed.

They headed out of the building and started to continue there search for y/n.

Yoongi zones out for a while and only focused on his thoughts
Don't worry y/n...I'm coming.

(A/n) so how was it? Do you think they'll find y/n soon? If so, let me know in the comments! And please vote ⭐️ have a great day/night!

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