Chapter 23

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(Yoongi's POV)

It's been an entire week ever since y/n was kidnapped, but they still haven't found her. Bts spent most of there time driving in and out of town, searching for the right destination.

Some of them have talked about giving up, but they knew that they couldn't. They even had to take turns going out and searching while the others just stay and rest for a while.

"Should we tell him to stop?"

"I'm not sure. Everybody has tried but he just won't stop." Jin and jungkook were discussing on what to do about Yoongi. He just keeps starring at the photo and he won't stop for anything.

"Yoongi. Just starring at that picture won't help us find her."
Jin tries to help Yoongi with his unhealthy obsession, but it doesn't seem to work.

"I can't...there's just something that we missed, but I can't place my finger on it." He doesn't stop not even for a second. He squints his eyes once he finds something else about it.

"Oh my- I can't believe I didn't realize it! Look here!" Yoongi jump up from the couch and points to the sign in the photo.

"See? There's those little splashes of green paint on the post. And the paint is chipped on the corner of the sign. I know we're this is!"

The others stare at him in disbelief. "You know were this is just from those two small details?" Jungkook asked him.

"Listen, I know that there's probably a lot of places that are similar to this, but what other choice do we have. Just let me take you guys there."

Yoongi asks with wide desperate eyes. The others decide to let him take them to wherever he believes this place could be.


It's been close to two hours ever since they left town, but there was still no trace of the place they were supposed to be.

*sigh* "are you sure you know what your doing?" Hoseok questions him from the back seat.

"Just trust me, We're close." 

After another few minutes of driving they came to complete disbelief. "We actually found it..." jimin smiles and starts rejoicing.

"Just stay on high alert." Yoongi stays vigilant while pulling into the nearest drive way.

They stop once they pull into an abandoned parking lot. They all get out and walk towards the black van with two men wearing masks.

"We were told to only take one of you with us." One of the men said in a low raspy voice.

"Is there someone that you're supposed to take?" Yoongi asked with a deep tone.

"That's for you to decide." The other one answered with a higher but still pretty low voice.

Jin was about to volunteer, but Yoongi beat him to it. "I'll go." He walks a few steps closer to them without hesitation.

"So you must be Yoongi then." The higher voiced man said.

"That's right. Hey, how did you know my name?" The men chuckled at the shorter males confused state.

"Let's just say that someone told us you would be the first one to volunteer."

Yoongi gives them a death glare, which seemed to make them slightly uncomfortable.

Yoongi's glare went away as he peeked over one of there shoulders. He seemed to have realized and turned around to see what he was staring at. But he didn't find anything.

He looked back at Yoongi and decided to brush it off. "Alright. You guys get going. We can't leave until we're sure that your gone."

"Are you sure this is the best idea Yoongi?" Jin seemed concerned. Yoongi thought about it and nodded his head as a reply.

"I'll be fine." He showed a small smile and watched as the others drove off. He turned around and almost jump out of his shoes.

There was a hand gun aimed right in front of his face. It was only a few inches away. "Listen. We're going to give you chance to leave now. You can keep the money and continue living a happy life if you don't tell anyone of what you've heard or seen in this past week. And let us keep the girl."

Yoongi looked at him in disbelief. "Are you serious? Do you think I'm stupid?"

The man stepped closer and held the gun until it touched Yoongi's head. "I don't know, should I think that?" The man questioned with a smirk that was hidden behind his mask.

Yoongi seemed completely unfazed by the taller mans actions. *sigh* "just take me there already." Yoongi walked past them annoyed and hopped into the van.

"Tough guy, nice." The deeper voiced man said and walked over to Yoongi.

"You can't see the way there so your going to need this. The man blindfolded Yoongi and walked to the front.

Yoongi relaxed in the seat once again lost in thought.

I'm on my way y/n. Just stay strong for me...

(A/n) don't have much to say so please vote ⭐️ and comment. Have a great day/night!

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