Chapter 10

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You where just waiting in the lobby for yoongi to show up. A couple police men came, about 10 minutes after you called, But yoongi still hasn't arrived. Just as you were thinking about him, you see a group of seven men dash towards you with worried expressions.

"Y/N!" You hear the men yell in unison.
You look at them giving a small smile.

Yoongi runs over and hugs you tightly, taking you by surprise. He pulls away, still holding onto your shoulders firmly though.

"Are you sure your ok y/n?" He asks while placing his hand on your cheek causing you to flinch, since his actions reminded you of the incident from earlier.

You were hoping he didn't realize your slight movement but from how his expression changed, he probably did.

"Y/n." You slowly move your head upward making eye contact with him.
"Did they touch you?"

You look away for a moment asking yourself if you should answer truthfully or not.

" of them started playing with my hair, and the other touched my cheek..."

He wears a saddened expression and drops his hand from you cheek.

"Don't worry y/n. It will all be ok now." Taehyung shows you a box shaped smile which honestly looked cute.

You smile slightly but that smile turned into a confused expression. "Yoongi. Why did everybody come?"

"Well Jin hyung heard me talking to you on the phone. But they didn't tell me they knew. I found out when I went into the garage, because they were all waiting in the car for me."

You giggle quietly. "We've only met a couple times but you guys act like you've known me for years."

"Well that's what friends are for!" Jungkook exclaimed rather loudly, earning shushes from a few people near by.

You talked with the bts members for a while explaining what the police told you.

"So there's a chance you could get your wallet back?" Jimin asked.

"Yup! I'll just have to get a new key card for my hotel room for now. Oh, and can I ask you guys a question?"

"Sure" they all answer back

"Can one of you stay with me tonight?"

They look a bit surprised obviously not expecting that from you. "Well the guys who robbed me also have my old key card. so they would know the room number and the name of the hotel."

Your usually not this paranoid, but anybody would probably be if a similar thing happened to them.

"But that's only if you wouldn't mind staying that is." You looked at your feet feeling a bit embarrassed because no one answered you.

"I could stay." Jungkook and yoongi both look at each other after saying the same sentence at the same time.

You bolt you head upward looking at the two men. "We'll let y/n choose." Jungkook breaks the silence with a suggestion.

"Well it doesn't matter to me. How about you guys play rock, paper, sizers."

"Good idea" yoongi and jungkook ready there hands for play. "Rock, paper, sizers!"

Jungkook chose rock while yoongi chose sizers. "I win!" Jungkook jumps around happily, while yoongi stands there looking almost annoyed with the bunny boys victory.

"Oh, I forgot that I don't have any pyjamas for you to wear..."

"It's ok! If you have an extra blanket, pillow, and a comfy couch I'll be fine."

"alright then!"

You say your goodbyes to the other six members and then head into your hotel room and start getting ready for bed.

"Is the couch comfy enough for you?"


"Good. Well goodnight then."

"Goodnight!" Your about to close your bedroom door but peek back out and look at jungkook.

"Thanks for staying with me tonight jungkook. It really means a lot to me."

"Your welcome!"

You smile at him and then close the door and get yourself tucked into bed.

You turn your phone on and open you contacts.

You: sorry you didn't win the rock, paper, sizers match. You looked disappointed.
Sent: 2:27 am

Min yoongi😆: I wasn't disappointed! Do you think I'm sad because I can't stay with you tonight?
Sent: 2:30 am

You: well of course I do! You obviously have a crush on me and would do anything to stay with me.
Sent: 2:31 am

Min yoongi😆: what!? PABO!
Sent: 2:31 am

You: aish! don't call me that! I was just joking about the crush thing.
Sent: 2:32 am

You: well anyway, goodnight yoongi!
Sent: 2:32 am

Min yoongi😆: goodnight...pabo.

You: I said don't call me that!

(A/n) sorry that this chapter is a little bit shorter then most but I didn't have much ideas for this one. And please comment and vote!⭐️ And for those who don't know what Pabo or aish means look ⬇️ down

Pabo is a term for fool or idiot in Korean. And aish is used when someone is annoyed or can sometimes be used as a cuss word. But I don't use cuss words so let's not think of it that way.

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