Chapter 12

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(Your POV)

It's been a month ever since you first moved to Seoul. Life was so much more exciting for the first few weeks. But after you went to the amusement park, every thing stoped. You haven't seen yoongi or the others since then.

So now it's just boring days at work and staying at your apartment eating pizza. You've also tried calling but they never answered you.

"I never thought Saturday and Sunday would be my least favourite days of the week...there's absolutely nothing to do!"

"Is this what being friends with idols is like? You don't get to see, or call them! There just busy all the time..."

You pick your phone up and open your contacts. You hesitate if it's even worth trying to call one of them.

You only have jungkook And yoongi's numbers so you decide to call jungkook.

It was ringing for a bit but no one was picking up. You were just about to cancel it but before you could, someone answered.

"Yeoboseyo? Y/n?"

" wow, you actually answered for once" you said smugly.

"I'm sorry y/n. We've been super busy."

*sigh* "I know...I've just been really bored. There's absolutely nothing to do!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sure we will get to meet up again soon."

"Not if your always this busy..."

"Well we aren't always this busy."

"Really? Then how come you are now?"

"Well we weren't supposed to help pay for the-"

"JUNGKOOK!" You heard a familiar voice call out to jungkook before he could finish speaking.

"Your not supposed to tell her!" You just stand listening in on there conversation. Until you realize what he meant by helping to pay for something.

"Sorry yoongi hyung..."

"Wait. Yoongi's there?

"Umm, Yes"

"Can I Please talk to him?

"Ok..." jungkook says while handing yoongi the phone.

"What do you want y/n?" Yoongi said with an annoyed tone heard in his voice .

You pout after hearing how rude he sounded. "From what I understand, you weren't supposed to help me pay for the apartment. And DON'T bother lying to me."

There's was nothing but silence, which pretty much answers your question for you.

"Your right...we were also supposed to be doing practice instead of going to the amusement park with you to..."

"So your saying that you got into trouble, and you also have to be doing even more work then before all because of me?"

"Well it wasn't your idea. And nobody blames you for it, so please don't get upset about it."

"I am upset about it! I blame myself because the only reason it happened was because I moved here!"

"Y/n, don't take it that far. Me and the others couldn't be happier that your here with us."

"Well we're not going to be hanging out for quite some time, so just completely ignore me until then!"

"Y/n, ple-" you hung up on him and through your phone on the couch, and then stormed away.

(Yoongi's POV)

Yoongi pulled the phone away from his ear, Looking at it with shock written all over his face. He instantly glared at it and threw it across the room.

"Hyung! That's my phone remember?!" Jungkook whined while running to his phone. Luckily it landed on the couch.

"I don't care!" Yoongi yelled back at jungkook, which scared him a bit.

"Hyung. What did y/n say?" Jimin gave him a worried look.

*sigh* "she's acting like it's the end of the world! She blames herself, and she started saying things like-this never would have happened if I didn't move here. Like, GEEZ that girl."

"And it's not just that! She also hung up on me! My goodness I think I'm getting a headache." Yoongi scrunches his face and pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Your overreacting hyung." Jimin puts his hand on yoongi's shoulder to try and calm him down.

Yoongi glares at jimin and shoves his hand off of his shoulder. "I'm not overreacting! SHE was the one overreacting!"

*sigh* Jin hyung! Little yoongi is throwing a tantrum again." Yoongi gives him an annoyed look.

"Tsk tsk tsk. If you keep this up I'm going to have to send you to your room."

"Just stop Jin."

"What?! No Hyung?! I've had a enough of your attitude. Go to your room young man!" Jin jokes while pointing in the direction of the stairs.

Yoongi lays his forehead in his hand, with a slight smile showing, trying to keep himself from laughing.

Jin seemed to have noticed the smile yoongi's trying to hide, and takes this aprrtunety to slip his Hands onto yoongi's sides and start tickling him.

" hyung! S-stop!" Yoongi tries to pry Jin's hands off but fails.

After a while of tickling yoongi, Jin stops and sits down beside him. "Thanks hyung. But I still don't know what we should do about y/n..."

"No no. It's not what we're going to do. It's what your going to do." Yoongi tilts his head to the side, not entirely sure what Seokjin is talking about.

"Just ask her if she would like to meet with us after we're done at work On a less busy day. And after she's done her work for the day. That way you can explain to her without her hanging up."

"But what if she doesn't want to come?"

"Well I'll get someone to go get her. So in other words, she pretty much doesn't have a choice."

Yoongi slightly giggles but agrees to Seokjin's suggestion.

(A/n) thanks for waiting for this update! Please vote ⭐️ and comment!

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