Chapter 6

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(Your POV)
(The next morning)

You wake up at the sound of your alarm clock shaking and ringing.

*yawn* "I should probably look for a job today. I should also get signed into my bank account here."

"But if I do that then they might be able to find me...I don't know what I should do! Ok calm down. But I can't actually get a job without getting singed in..."

"I guess I'll just have to take my chances." You get out of bed and start getting ready to go out. You take a quick shower and get dressed.

You walk out of the hotel room and put a do not disturb sign on the handle. You never trusted the cleaners. There's always a chance they could steal something or snoop.

You head downstairs and walk out the doors of the hotel. You decided to just walk around to find a job, since there's plenty of stores around here.

After a while of walking and asking stores if they are hiring you get tired of looking. You did find a couple with hiring signs, but they're not really the kind of job your looking for.

"Im so tired of looking!" *stomach growls* "and I'm hungry! Well I guess I'm always hungry but who cares. I'm going to find a cafe"

You walk down the street a bit until you see a beautiful building. It's covered with flowers all over. Even the doors have a cool flower pattern painted on them. There was a sign that said floral cafe.

It looks like it would be a bit expensive to eat there but you couldn't help but head inside and order a delicious piece of cake. You open the doors and were greeted by the beautiful smell of flowers.

It looks ten times better in here then it did outside, you thought to yourself. You sit near the window admiring the beautiful cafe. Soon you turned your head towards someone who was approaching you.

A waiter stoped at your table handing you a menu. You bowed your head slightly saying thanks. "I will be back to take your order soon" he said and then walked off.

Your eyes widen once you see the prices of all this food. This is way to expensive! You almost put the menu down and was about to leave but your stomach grumbling again made you rethink your decision.

"Y/n?" You look to where the voice was coming from and instantly became shocked. It was...jungkook? "J-jungkook?"

"Hi y/n! It's nice to see you here!" Out of all the places in this huge city I decided to come here...way to go y/n... "uh, hi jungkook. What brings you here?"

"This is my favourite cafe in all of Seoul! I come here a lot. The real question is, what are you doing here?"

"I was looking for a job and I got hungry."

"But the food is a bit expensive here so I'll probably leave..."

"you don't need to leave! If you wouldn't mind I could buy something for you."

"Oh no, you don't have to do that. I'll just find another cafe."

"Please! It wouldn't be any trouble. Besides any friend of yoongi hyung is a friend of mine!"

You look at your hands fiddling with your fingers, trying to decide what you should say. "Well...ok."
" But next time I'm paying no matter how expensive it might be. Ok?"

The waiter comes back a few minutes later taking your order. You tell jungkook what you want and then he tells the waiter. "I'll be back with your food in a moment."

A few minutes later the waiter comes back and gives you your slice of cake and a cup of tea. You sure do love cake!
"So y/n." You look up at him tilting your head to the side a bit wondering what he was going to say.

"Would you like to come over again today? Umm...I'm not come? Well you guys might be busy. Actually today is our day off. Perfect timing, am I right?"

"Ya...just perfect..." you mumble to yourself. "Especially since you left early. Hopefully you can stay longer if you do come. Please come!" *sigh*"ok."

"Yay! Hurry up and finish you cake already! I'll text the others and give them a heads up."

(A/n) sorry if it was boring...and if you didn't read the description, I know it's different then the other chapters but I've been reading other ff lately and I learned how to make my ff better.

Once again thanks for reading! And please comment what you think so far. And if you enjoyed it please vote! Bye!

Oh, and yes jungkookie does seem a bit more enthusiastic then I actually think he would be but whatever. It's only fan fiction.

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