Chapter 18

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(Your POV)

You were sitting outside of yoongi's hospital room after you and yoongi arrived at the hospital. You were also waiting for a nurse to call your name so that you could finally go see yoongi. And the other members still haven't arrived yet.

Just when you were about to call Jungkook you then hear someone call your name. You look in the direction that the voice came from.

"Y/n!" Jungkook yells in your direction and runs towards you. He sits down beside you and waits for the others to sit down.

"Hi y/n. How's yoongi doing?" You look up at Jin, but then look at your feet saddened.

"I'm not entirely sure...nobody has told me anything yet. But I think he's doing pretty well. I'm actually surprised on how well he did. I was sure that he would've blacked out. But he didn't. After the police came, he actually was the one comforting me. I was the one crying. and...and he..." you couldn't hold it in anymore.

You covered your face with your hands and started crying. Jungkook hugged you tightly and rocked you back and forth.

"Why are you crying? You just finished saying on how your sure that yoongi's doing well."

"It's's just that I'm nothing but bad luck!" Every one looked at you, shocked and confused.

"Why would you even think that?" Hoseok asked while walking to the other side of you and started rubbing your back in a calming manner.

"Just think about it." You pulled out of jungkook's embrace and looked at hoseok.

"I've been in so much trouble ever since I moved here. There's just so much I can't even remember everything! But this is by far the worst...if I didn't let my curiosity get the best of me, we wouldn't be here right now. We would probably be having a great time at your place...but look what I've done..."

"Don't ever say that again." You looked at who the voice came from, and your eyes were met with Seokjin's. He looked serious.

"How many times have we told you that we couldn't be happier that your here?" Seokjin grabs your hand and holds it firmly.

"Your not bad luck, We're very glad that your with us. And Yoongi is too." You look up at Seokjin after he mentioned Yoongi.

"Excuse me." You all look in the direction of yoongi's room and see a nurse standing there.

"You can come in now." The nurse steps aside and let's you all through. You close the door behind you and walk over to see Yoongi.

To your surprise he wasn't wearing a shirt. You were slightly blushing at the sight, but you were good at hiding it."

"Hi guys." Yoongi gives a week smile.

"Hi hyung. How are you feeling?" Taehyung walks over to Yoongi and sits down beside him on the bed.

"I'll be ok." Yoongi glances over at you and notices your rosy cheeks.
"Can I have my shirt, tae?" Yoongi asks taehyung while pointing at his shirt that's laying on the table.

Taehyung hands Yoongi the shirt and he slips it on. "Thanks tae." Yoongi smiles at taehyung and they continue talking.

(Time skip)

You were all talking and having fun until the nurse came and told you that visiting hours were over.

"Alright guys, have fun with the sleepover." Yoongi only needed to stay here for tonight but he would miss the sleepover. He seemed quite saddened because of it.

"I'm sorry you aren't able to come..." you pouted while looking down at your feet.

"I'll be ok y/n." He told you while showing a reassuring smile. You were all about to leave but Yoongi stoped you.

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