Chapter 13

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(Your POV)

It's been about a week ever since you had that call with yoongi. You were just about done work for the day, but your phone started to ring. You checked the caller Id.

"Yoongi..." you decided to answer, even though you didn't really want to talk to him right now.

"What do you want yoongi?" You asked rather grumpily.

"Can you please come over to bighit after your done work?"

"Why do you want me over?"

"I would like to talk to you about last week."

"I should've known." You mumbled quietly, but it was enough for him to hear you.

"Please y/ don't have to stay long."

*sigh* "ok. I'll be there in half an hour."

"Thanks y/n! You won't regret it!"

You hang up and continue working for the little bit of time that you still have to be there.

(Time skip)

The taxi stoped In front of bighit entertainment. You get out of the taxi and thank the driver. you walk in nervously.

Why am I nervous? I've been friends with them for weeks now. Well...I did yell at yoongi. I hope he's not mad at me...

You continue your way into the building. You had to ask someone where the members were, but that wasn't a problem.

You took the elevator to  the 4th floor where the practice room was located. You walked up to the door and walked in without hesitation.

"Yay! It's y/n!" Jungkook runs up to you and embraces you in a hug. You give a slight smile while hugging him back.

"I know we haven't hung out in a while but we should be leaving now. Well...most of us." Jin looks back at yoongi and gives him a thumbs up.

You and yoongi both quickly glance at one another while the other members leave.

There was a moment of silence until he spoke.

"I'm sorry that you had to come here."

"Oh no, it's ok. I'm actually glad you asked me here."

"You are? Why?"

"Because I really wanted to apologize for yelling at you on the phone the other day. I overreacted big time. You were only trying to help me but I was just being rude...I'm sorry."

You look at him waiting for a response, but he didn't say a word. He starts to slowly walk towards you.

"Sorry isn't enough." You were surprised at his answer.

He got so close you had to start stepping back to keep a distance between you two. But he still didn't stop.

Why is he glaring at me like that!?

Your back hit the wall causing you to stop. He stoped only a foot away from you.

You felt your cheeks starting to heat up. Am I blushing!? Please don't tell me I am...

He shows you a grin and quickly slams his hands on the wall, trapping you in between.

This is when you started to get really nervous. "Y-yoongi. What are you doing?" CRAP I STUTTERED!

"You said you wanted to apologize, and This is the only apology that I'll except."

You were once again shocked at his words. He started leaning closer to you which made you shut your eyes, not ready for what's going to happen next.

You waited a couple seconds but nothing happened. The next thing you knew was that yoongi was...laughing? After seeing his laughter you just realized what happened.

"MIN YOONGI!!!" You yelled at him, pouting and crossing your arms.

"You should have seen your face! Were you actually blushing!?"

Your face started reddening even more after he asked that.

"Why did you play such a mean trick on me!?"

"I couldn't think of anything else to do. I obviously couldn't just forgive you."

You glared at him and started walking towards the door. "I'm leaving!"

"Wait y/n. It was just a joke."

"Well do I look like I'm laughing!?"
You turn around with tears in your eyes.

"Y/n..." he looked shocked yet saddened after realizing that you were about to cry.

He walked over to you and embraced you in a comforting hug. You gripped onto his shirt and started to cry.

"I'm sorry...but ever since I moved here things have been really hard! People stole from me, I got my best friends in trouble, and my boss cut my pay because I spilled coffee on a few of our customers! And I've only been here for just over a month!"

Yoongi strokes your hair in a calming manner, just giving you the chance to let it all out.

"And...and I admit that I overreacted. I'm really grateful for that wonderful time at the amusement park, and for the apartment. And...this is kinda nice too..."

Yoongi turned as red as a tomato after hearing those words. But you weren't looking at him so you didn't notice.

You separate yoongi from yourself and wipe a tear from your eye, and you show him a smile.

"I should be going now." You give him a quick hug and rush to the door.

"Y/n wait!" You turn your head around, slightly confused. "I haven't told you why we hung out with you even when we weren't supposed to."

"It's ok. You don't need to explain anything. I know It was wrong to yell at you. You helped me even if it was at your own expense. Thank you for that."

You turn the knob and run out of the building, Smiling to yourself like an idiot.

You were thinking about how he stroked your hair, how he comforted you, even though he played that stupid trick.

You looked down at your hands and mumbled something to yourself.

"I love you min yoongi...wait, WHAT!?"

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