Chapter 16

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(Your POV)

You were on your way back home after a hard day of work at the cafe. Once you got back, you felt the same uneasiness that you've been feeling for the last few days. You got into your apartment and grabbed your phone out if your pocket, and called Jungkook.

"Hello? Jungkook?"

"Oh, hi y/n! How have you Been lately?"

"Honestly not that great...please don't laugh at me for saying this, but ever since I told you about me finding those two guys at the mall, I've had this weird feeling...Kinda like someone's watching me..."

"Like someone's watching you...hmmm...well have you been thinking about those guys a lot?"

"Well, not really. I guess I sometimes think that maybe for some reason they're  watching me."

"Ok. You might just be paranoid, but let me ask a few more questions."


"When do you feel like your being watched?"

"Hmmm...mostly when I'm alone. If I'm working then I don't really think about it. I feel it mostly when I'm in my apartment."

"Oh deer...listen. I don't want to scare you or anything but the fact that you saw those thieves watching you when we were at the mall, and the fact that the police never said anything about there recapture, aren't good signs.
But I don't want to be jumping to conclusions or anything."

"I highly doubt that there are any actual problems but I'm still a bit on edge."

"I understand. Wait, I have an idea. How about you come over tonight? You know, for a sleepover!"

"Really? That would be awesome! But will the others be ok with it?"

"sure everybody would be more then happy to have you over tonight. And tomorrow's a day off so it's perfect!"

"Ok great! What time should I be there?"

"How about right now?" You had a big smile on your face and started slightly jumping in excitement.

"Ok! I'll be there soon!" You hung up and already started packing any essentials. But that talk you had with Jungkook got you thinking.

(Flash back)

You open the van up and grab your bag. But you stop for a second before going back. You feel like something's watching you. You look around and then see two familiar faces.'s them! You quickly run inside before they decide to make a move. But while running back, you were sure they started coming closer towards you.

Once you got into the mall you called 911. You told them about you seeing those two guys again, and you also told them any necessary details.

You hoped that you called before those guys had a chance to get away. You would've just called them when you were outside but that could have caused you to get abducted by those guys.

(End of flash back)

You got out of your apartment as soon as you finished packing your stuff. You rushed out and started walking towards the nearest convenience store. You wanted to thank the members for letting you stay the night even though Jungkook was the only one planning it.

You grabbed a few treats and a few bags of chips. It wasn't much but it's the thought that counts, right? You pay at the front desk and get a bag to hold the stuff you just bought.

You knew were the members dorm was so you decided to just walk. It would probably take about half an hour to get there by foot but you've been meaning to go on a nice walk for a while now. And, yes it's a bit surprising to be living so close to bighit entertainment and the members dorm.

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