Chapter 8

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(Your POV)

Jungkook drops you off at the cafe. To your luck, their still open for another couple hours. Hopefully I won't have have to work this late.

You walk into the cafe and up to the counter. "Excuse me."

"Why hello there! Can I help you with something?"

"Well I'm looking for a job and I heard you were hiring."

"Oh, well walk right this way please." You fallow her until you reach a door with a sign saying employees only.

"Please wait here miss." She opens the door and walks into the room. A few moments later, she returns.

"I'm sorry but the owner of the cafe isn't here right now. But he should be back in about 15 minutes. So please sit down and make yourself comfortable. And if you need anything just let me know!"

"She seems like she would be a nice person to work with."

After waiting for what felt like hours, when in reality it was close to 20 minutes, you see a man walk in wearing a suit.

The man walks into the room meant for employees. He's probably the owner of this cafe. You thought to yourself.

The woman from before walks up to you again. "Please wait a second while I go talk to my boss, about a job for you."

You answer with just a simple nod. She gives you a quick smile and then walks in after her boss.

After a few minutes she comes back telling you that you can go talk to the person who could be your future boss. You stand up with a nervous expression.

You'll do fine y/n. Just stay calm, and breath. You fix your clothes up a bit and walk up to the door. You hesitate slightly, but turn the knob and walk in the room after a bit of self motivation.

(Time skip)

"So you have worked at a cafe before?"

"Yes sir. It was a few years ago but I have had a similar job before."

"Well I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be hired. If you think you can do well then I'm willing to let you have this job."

Your eyes widen slightly trying to keep yourself from yelling and jumping for joy. You stand up straight and bow.

"Thank you sir! You won't be disappointed!"

"I'm sure I won't be. Now remember. You have to be here by 9 am-7 pm."

"Yes sir! Thank you sir!"

" you can start tomorrow. That will be all for now."

You nod your head and give a smile before leaving the small office. You start walking home at a much later time then you expect. It's getting pretty dark but your almost there. So you should be fine.

(Time skip)

You open the door to your hotel room and jump onto your bed.

"Yes! I got a job!" You start doing a happy dance all around your room but stop when you hear your phone vibrate. You walk over and see the caller id. Min yoongi😆.

Min yoongi😆:are you home yet?
Sent- 9:37 pm

You: yup! Why'd you ask?
Sent- 9:38 pm

Min yoongi😆: well it can be dangerous for a women to walk home alone at this hour.
Sent- 9:38 pm

You: so does that mean you where worried?
Sent- 9:39 pm

Min yoongi😆: no! I was just wondering.
Sent- 9:40 pm

You: mhmm sure you were😏
Sent- 9:40 pm

Min yoongi😆: your so childish. Anyways did you get the job?
Sent- 9:41 pm

You: I'm not childish! And yes I got the job!!!
Sent- 9:41 pm

Min yoongi😆: yes you are. And that's great that you got the job! I'll tell the others.
Sent- 9:42 pm

Min yoongi😆: oh, can I ask you a question?
Sent- 9:42 pm

You: sure
Sent- 9:42 pm

Min yoongi😆: I know you just met the other bts members but I would like it if you could get to know them better. So would you like to come to the new amusement park with us this Sunday?
Sent- 9:43 pm

You: I would love to do that!! But only if you guys can pick me up.
Sent- 9:44 pm

Min yoongi😆: of course! Well I have to go now though. See you in a couple days! Bye
Sent- 9:45 pm

You: bye! 👋
Sent- 9:45 pm

(A/n) hope you guys enjoyed this boring chapter! Please vote! And comment on what you think of it. And if you were wondering there was more to the interview with your boss but I'm just lazy and decided to skip all of that. And I know nothing about any job because I've never had one. So bye for now!💜💜💜💜

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