Chapter 14

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(Yoongi's POV)

Yoongi parked the car in the garage, got out and locked it. He opened the door to get into the dorm. He took his coat off hung it up and put the keys on the counter.

"Hi hyung. How's y/n doing?" Taehyung greats yoongi with a smile.

"More importantly, how did the talk go?" Namjoon asks with curiosity.

Yoongi pauses for a moment wondering if he should tell them what really happened or not.

"It went well. She says she feels bad for getting angry the way she did."
It wasn't necessarily a lie. She did feel bad for getting angry, so it worked.

"That's good."

The members continue what they were doing after Yoongi told them the news. But Yoongi just kept looking at Jin.

Should I tell him what I did? What would he think?

"Jin hyung." Jin looks over at Yoongi with a blank expression.

"Can I talk to you, alone?"

"Sure." Yoongi And Jin both get up and walk up the stairs. Yoongi leads Jin to his room and closes the door once they were both in.

"Now what did you need to tell me?" Jin asks while taking a sip of some juice that he brought with him.

Yoongi sits down on his bed and stays quiet for a moment. "I tried to kiss y/n."

Jin's eyes instantly widened, he started choking after he tried to keep himself from spitting out the juice he hasn't yet swallowed.


"Shhhhhh. There going to hear you." Yoongi tried to get Jin to quiet down, before the others hear him.

"I need a full explanation before I quiet down!" Jin demands while stomping his foot.

"I'm sorry, that came out wrong. What I meant to say was that I was pretending I was going to kiss her as a joke. Kinda like payback for yelling at me."

"Well what did she do after that?"

"Well...she started crying..."

"When will you learn that she's been crazy emotional lately?"

"I wasn't the right thing to do. But at the same time she had a chance to just let it all out. She started explaining on how she's had such a hard time here so far. But she also says she's thankful for everything we've done for her."

"So everything worked out at the end?"

"Yup. But there's still something that's bothering me."

"What is it?."

"It's her. It's just that...why do I love her? She's the farthest thing from my ideal type. She's way to emotional, I've always preferred short hair, (a/n) if you have short hair then pretend he said long instead. And I don't like it when your best friends that turn into lovers. I just think it's weird."

"But I still love her...*groan* I hate love."

"sorry, your going to have to live with it. but it won't be so bad once you confess"

"Shut up hyung. let's leave before the others get suspicious."

"Whatever" Jin and Yoongi walk back down the stairs, acting as casual as they could.

No one bothered to ask what they were talking about since it was none of there business. But jungkook looked a bit troubled. Yoongi seemed to notice his unsatisfied expression and decided to try and help.

"Are you ok kookie?

"Who? Me?"

"Well who else do I call kookie?"

"Alright I get it. But about being ok...I really need to tell you this in private. Ok?"

*Sigh* "ok." Jungkook And yoongi make there way up the stairs and into yoongi's room.

"So what do you need to tell me?"

"Well...your y/n's best friend."

"Ya, So?"

*sigh* "so I need your help."

"Help with what?" Jungkook stays silent for a moment before turning to Yoongi with a serious gaze.

"Well...I need your help to get y/n to like me, because I like her!"

(A/n) did any of you except jungkook to like y/n? Let me know in the comment section. And sorry for the crazy short chapter. There was just nothing else I could do for it. But I hope you enjoyed. Please vote ⭐️ and comment! Have a great night/day!

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