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•~~~•9:21. Kirishima's POV•~~~•
I wake up realizing i'm not in my own bed. I look down at my chest to see a cute Pomeranian sleeping. Hearing the cute snores makes my heart pound in my chest. Looking over at the clock displayed with a few scratch marks and bandages probably from Bakugou waking up and smashing it to pieces. It reads

I remember that it's Saturday as yesterday was Friday and Bakugou was having a bad day to begin with. People kept bothering him about me and his relationship as they questioned how close we were, he ended up blowing up half the lounge in the dorms. As well as almost losing one of the training battles against Todoroki.

He almost had a mental breakdown in the locker room after everyone left. Kiri wasn't sure what to do when that happened. You wouldn't expect Bakugou to be so emotional but he really is a crybaby when he opens up about his feelings.

I feel small movement as bakugou stirs from his sleep. Getting up slightly he rubs his eyes and yawns. "Hi Kat, how'd you sleep?" He looks up slightly before speaking. "I always get better sleep when I'm with you Shitty Hair." He says his voice full of sleeps bit of a snarky tone.

I laugh slightly, sensing distress in his voice. "You ok? Remember what I sai-." I try saying before getting cut off. "I remember what you said Shitty Hair now shut up. Im hungry and want food let's go."

I nod feeling him get up and grab some clothes off the floor. "Stealing my clothes eh?" He looks up with a scowl nodding slightly before taking his shirt off and putting on my hoodie from last night.

I clutch my heart wondering how my boyfriend is so adorable. As I watch him paddle around the room in my sweatshirt slightly dangling over his shorts. "You gonna change?" He asks with raised eyebrows. I shake my head slightly signaling that I was going to.

I get up stretching my hands over my head. I look over to Bakugou blushing slightly a pink tint over his cheeks. "Watcha lookin at?" I say a slight hint of tease in my voice. "Nothing Shitty Hair! Now shut the fuck up and let's go! Damn." He yells running out the door. I laugh a little knowing he's embarrassed and grab some spare clothing i decided to start keeping here.

Throwing the shirt over my head and walking out the door catching up to bakugou. Who was leaning against the stairway waiting for me as I knew he would. I peck him on the cheek before running ahead of him. "DAMN YOU SHITTY HAIR COME BACK HERE!" I quickly run down the stairs knowing he would try to get me. I giggle quickly running to Mina who layed on the couch reading one of those Teen Model Magazines.

"Mina! Help quickly! I've disturbed the beast!" Mina looks at me with arched eyebrows in a questioning tone before realizing after hearing the yelling coming after me. "Your on your own Kiri dont come to Mama Mina for Bakuhoe help."

I give her a look as I look over at Denki and Sero pleading for mercy "Oh no dude don't even look at us you got yourself into this you know Blasty would blow my head off." said the electric user.

I look around at the bakusquad sitting on the lounge chair pleading for their help. All of them give me a pitying look. Until I hear footsteps come up behind me. "Gotcha, ya little fucker." I yelp slightly feeling bakugou wrap his arms around my neck pulling me back. "Hey no fair! You got a head start this time." I huff slightly annoyed he got me so quick this time around.

I turn around to face him seeing he has his arms still around my neck. And a great idea popped in my head. I quickly pick him up holding up by his but like a toddler. He gasps lightly wrapping his legs tightly around me to not fall.

" Kiri let me go!! I swear to God I will blow you apart!!" He yells but I can hear the hint of nervousness in his voice.

I look around at the squad , seeing their reactions is priceless wondering how i'm not dead yet. Bakugou looks at me with puppy eyes "Please let me down Eiji?" My heart stops for a second before I kiss his head and let him down softly. He quickly punches me in the gut. "You should've listened to me!" The hot-headed male yelled.

I harden to lessen the damage to my body but it still hurts none the less. I wince in pain for a second "Now come on that wasn't fair BakuBae." I sat with a slight smile on my face. He blushes his face almost the color of my hair. "Shut up dumbass!" I hear the bakusquad snicker in the corner, all of them laying on the couch.

I give them a look like "your gonna die". "Shut up extras! Your all idiots!!" He turns away with his arms crossed across his chest like a pouty toddler. "Come on Kat you said you'd be nicer, remember?" I whisper to him. He jumps from the sudden voice and looks down.

I give him a little push and he goes forward towards them. "You guys are really dumb, but your my idiots you know?" It might not seem like an apology but coming from bakugou that's the nicest thing he's ever said to them before.

They all burst into tears thanking me for this gracious opportunity and making him an angel. "You turned him for the better Kiri!! He's the nicest pomeranian i've ever met." Denki said with happy tears streaming down his face. "Bakuhoe is so nice with you guys started dating please stay like this." Mina and Sero say at the same time. "Guys don't be so genuine Baku might blow your faces in." I say with a small laugh and a manly fist bump in the air.

•~~~•10:21 pm. Nobody's POV•~~~•
The bakusquad is now all sitting on the couch with bakugou laying on top all of them taking a nap. Nobody dare wake him up for two reasons 1. He might kill you if you do and 2. He didn't get as much sleep as you would think last night.

'This is how it should be right?'•_____________________________________•Hey guys!! (As I am still talking to no one) Second chapter is done it really doesn't take me that long to write these but I might post 1-2 a week depending on where I wanna g...

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'This is how it should be right?'
Hey guys!! (As I am still talking to no one) Second chapter is done it really doesn't take me that long to write these but I might post 1-2 a week depending on where I wanna go with this story but thanks for reading! This was also mostly in Kiri's POV Next one will be in only bakugou

WORDS: 1142

•Chapter 2 Complete•

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