{Whats Wrong?}

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•~~~•11:37 am. Bakugou's POV•~~~•
I wake up a bout an hour later still laying on top of my idiots. "Hey Blasty how'd you sleep?" Pikachu asks with teasing eyes. I roll over laying on my back instead of side and sigh rolling my eyes at him. "Ok I guess...thanks." He looks at me with surprised eyes but doesn't say anything knowing I would blow his head off it was only about 12 in the afternoon. I realize I didn't even eat when I came down.

I get up off of the couch probably relieving pain from their legs...never doing that again they'll think I'm weak. I make my way to the kitchen only a few ways from the lounge. I start getting ingredients out thinking about what to make. Feeling eyes on me as

I get a pan out turning around to see the extras around the kitchen island watching me closely. "You guys want some food as well?" It's not brunch any more so I'd be making lunch for the five of us.

"Please Blasty, were so hungry! And your food is amazing!" said the yellow haired boy. "Yes come on please Bakugou?" Says tape dispenser. "Please Babe? That would be amazing I love your food." Kiri says with winking at me. I blush so much not knowing what to do. "Whatever! This is only becuase I don't want you guys to complain about being hungry later!"

I yell quickly turning around to start cooking. Hoping that some curry and rice would be good to satisfy their needs. Hearing light talking in the background, it was peaceful, cooking has always been an escape for me I usually cook when stressed it helps a lot.

 Hearing light talking in the background, it was peaceful, cooking has always been an escape for me I usually cook when stressed it helps a lot

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Slicing up some carrots and potatoes putting them in the pot and putting rice in the rice cooker. It doesn't take long before the curry is finished and I scoop them onto plates passing them out to my friends telling them to eat their damn food before I shove it down their throats.

"Thanks BakuBro/Blasty/Babe!" The four say in unison I grab a small plate getting only a little, not wanting to ruin the diet I have set to be fit. I sit next to Kiri scooting a bit more over to him to be closer. He wraps an arm around my waist putting his head
in the crook of my neck. "Thanks Blasty your cooking is so good do you think you could cook for me everyday?" He says in a soft tone. I melt at his words why is he so nice to me?

I nod slightly feeling myself blush slightly, but then pushing him off of me. "Yea yea hair for brains whatever you want just get your hands off of me i'm not your teddy bear." He laughs putting his hands up in defense. I finish my plate and put it in the sink washing it before leaving to my room. "Kirishima!"

He turns to me slightly while putting is plate also in the sink. "Yea bro?" I roll my eyes "I'm your boyfriend dumbass don't "bro" me." He gives me a sharked tooth smile running up to me and giving me a hug from behind. I push him off grabbing his arm to go to the training area.

•~~~•1:34 pm. Training Area•~~~•
I throw a blast over my shoulder knocking Kiri to the ground he gets back up hardening his body and running towards me kicking me in the stomach. I launch back into the wall getting back up and quickly set off two explosions from my hands to his head. Sending him straight into the ground making an indent.

His whole body was hardened so he didn't take much damage.

I throw myself at him before he could get back up straddling his legs and pinning him to the ground.

I try to catch my breath as I hold him down. "I win Shitty Hair." I say with confidence sticking my tongue out in victory. "Yea yea good job Baku." He says before sitting up with me on his lap still I give him a slight hug before standing back up holding a hand out to him. He gives me a smile brighter than the sun. I should really invest to buy some shades. I pull him up dusting off my hands. Noticing the scorch marks on them and the pain when I move them. I don't usually strain my power but when I do
it's never good.

I rub my hands trying to make the pain go away when Kiri takes my hands and rubs in a circular motion releasing the pain from my hands. I look at his face as he carefully moves his finger across my hand his tongue sticking out a bit. Cute. I chuckle a bit. Kiri swiftly takes my hand and kisses it. "My love." He says while bowing. I blush profusely. "Shut up! Your so distracting!" The red haired loser laughs. "Let's go a few more times so I can kick your butt!" I laugh quietly. "Whatever you say Shitty Hair, you know you won't."

We head back to the dorms holding hands on the way back

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We head back to the dorms holding hands on the way back. "Hey Kiri?" The bright teen looks up. "Yes Bakubabe?" He says it with a smile.

⚠️Trigger Warning (Slight) Anxiety Attack⚠️

Is he faking it? I start to feel anxiety pool in my stomach. He doesn't like me does he? He's just pitying me. How could someone like him like me? Right? Its not logical he's so Hot and he might not be good at school but that justs adds to the cuteness. He's so perfect and i'm not.

'Is this ok?'

'Am I allowed to feel like this? '


I started hyperventilating I can't-t b-breathe? How do you form words again? Tears form at the root of my eyes pouring down my face. 'Am I ok? I hear someone calling for me. My visions blurry? I can't see. What's happening?'

'Somebody. Help. Please.'


Hey guys! (still no one here i've been writing a lot as I wrote 3 chapters in about a day each 1000 or more words I'm very proud. Sorry for the cliffhanger Tell me if I should change something please!
Have a good day!

WORDS: 1056

•Chapter 3 Complete•

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