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•~~~•8:20 pm. Sunday Afternoon. Kirishima's POV•~~~•

We head up to Sero's room because he's the only one with a console to actually play with. "Yo!! Guys Kiri and Bakubro are here!"

Everyone welcomes us and says snarky comments about how we were late. "Finally the lovebirds are here!" Kami says sarcastically. "Yea exactly!" Jirou says after him. They high-five eachother. "Wow Jirou becomes your new partner in crime? I am hurt Kami." Sero says dramatically falling onto the couch like he fainted. Kaminari rolls his eyes, pushing him away moving onto the floor. "Yea yea Home Depot just keep complaining Jirou is better at super smash bro's anyway."

Sero turns to me with puppy eyes. "Will you be my partner Kiri?" I laugh, "Sorry bro, my handsome boyfriend here is always my robbery partner." I say kissing Kats cheek. Sero makes a gagging sound, "Y'all nasty...and cute at the same time, don't worry Tape you can sit with me." Mins says patting the seat next to her on the small couch

"Thank you Mina, atleast someone appreciates me." Sero says sitting next to Mina and taking a handful of chips out of the bag she's holding.

"Ok come on!! Let's play!! I didn't come here to just sit on the floor!" We all cheer getting situated on the couch.

•~~~•AN HOUR LATER•~~~•

"Dude get out of the way!!" Jirou says pushing against Bakugou's shoulder

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"Dude get out of the way!!" Jirou says pushing against Bakugou's shoulder.

Kat pushes back, "Back off Earphone-Jack off!"

Kirishima and Bakugou both finish the game with flying colors, they high five eachother in a form of victory.

Denki rolls his eyes dramatically, "You weren't suppose to beat us!!!" I hear Denki yell.

"Sorry Pikachu, me and Eijirou are way to good at this loser."

Denki huffs slouching on the side of the couch. "I can't believe I got beaten by a bottom."

"A fucking what?! TAKE THAT BACK PIKACHU!!"

"I'm not wrong! Jirou protect me!" Jirou moves out of the way, "Nope not getting in the fight."

I pull bakugou from his shirt. "Bakugou's a bottom
he just wont admit it." Everyone gasps.

"Woah! Kiri you didnt!" Mina says holding a hand over her mouth.

"Eijirou what the hell!" I giggle, "Sorry babe, nobody has to actually ask to know your a bottom, it's so obvious."

Everyone laughs, "Wow Bakugou got put in his place!" Jirou claims, holding her mouth out of laughter, trying to contain her giggles and laughs.

"Hey earphones! Shut the fuck up! I'm not a fucking bottom. The hell." He says pouting and slouching into the couch and my legs.

"Hey stop fighting! Even if Baku is a bottom doesn't give a right for you to bully him!" Mina says slapping Denki's shoulder.

"Dude just stop." I say pushy with an attitude."

Sero notices Katsuki's off aura and quickly acts on what happened. "Sorry Bakugou, we didn't mean to hurt your feelings, it was just a joke." He huffs looking up at them, "It's not that...it's something else but, M' sorry too, my mental health....h-hasn't been to good lately." He says wiping his eyes.

Everyone except Jirou nods in understanding, this is the first time she's hearing about this and now she's feels terrible for making him feel like he was weak.

Everybody tells everyone in the group important stuff so naturally, Bakugou's health is important and it was told and explained to the group.

Denki punches Jirou lightly, whispering in her ear. "It's ok, don't feel bad. This happens a lot, we don't mean for it to but it always does."

Jirou nods, still feeling a little bad for what has happened wanting to apologize but leaves it be for now.

They continue to play games and talk about crazy stuff. Mostly about Denki and Shinsou getting together. Also a secret crush that mina has on a girl in our class. We all cast our bets with money.

Mina laughs, "You guys are nuts," She says while giggling as everyone gives money to Sero. "The Bet Keeper" we like to call him.

I take some money out of my pocket and hand it to Sero. "Option of bet?" He asks raising his eyebrow in suspicion. "Hagakure," I say pointing a finger gun at him and go back to playing with Kats hair.

I know my bet is right though, Mina has been spending a lot of time with her since they see roomed together at the field trip.

"Hey guys did you hear?"

Everyone looks at Denki, "What do you mean, Dunce Face?" Kat says not annoyed but clearly kinda interested. "Their letting some of us go on missions with pro hero's tomorrow!"

Everyone in the room cheers, except Kat of course. He doesn't get verbally excited but I can tell he is excited to fight some villains.

"Hey Baku, shouldn't you be asleep by now," Jirou says pointing at the clock on Sero's bedside table.

Kat shrugs pointing at me to explain, I rub the back of my head sheepishly, "Well Kat doesn't have to do anything tomorrow, He usually goes to sleep early so he can wake up early to eat and go on a run, but Best Jeanist said that he should take a day off for him."

"Woahhh!" Everyone says out of surprise. "Best Jeanist is so uptight! I'm surprised he even let you!"

"He's so luckyyy!" I say draping my arms around his neck from behind. "Fat gum would NEVER let me get off from hero work. Even Amajiki is so much more professional than me." I say grumbling.

"Uraraka said that she's getting a day off for herself too! Apparently Gunhead is super kind as well as tough just like her!" Mina says throwing her hands into the air.

"Everyone's so lucky with their hero agency's." Denki and Sero both say.

"Don't worry guys you get to work harder on your quirks!" Jirou comments trying to lift your spirits.

Everyone continues to talk about their works and things they've been doing around the dorms.

'Everyone needs a break.'


Hey everyone IM SO SO SO SO SORRY I HAVENT BEEN UPDATING! I personally like writing about my other book I have and having to books is a lot to handle. But here's the next chapter please enjoy!

WORDS: 1052

Chapter 16 Complete.

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