{Monday Mornings}

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(School starts at 8:25)
•~~~•7:10 am. Kirishima's POV. •~~~•

I wake up to a small knock on my door. I huff out a groan and lazily walk to the door opening faster when I see its Bakugou.

"Hey Eijirou, I thought i'd come get you out of bed so we can go to school." With a hand on his hip and a little attitude. Cute.

"We always go to school why is today different?" I say running my fingers through my hair.
'It's to early for this.'

"Cause this time we will NOT be late hear me? Your gonna take a shower eat breakfast and be at school on time."

'Ohhh. That's what he meant'

"We're not always lateeee." I chuckle trying to hide it.

He gives me a look. "Uh huh sure, anyway go take a shower and come downstairs, quick ok?" He takes a few steps forward before slowly pecking me on the lips. Then running away very quickly.

I blush profusely. 'Why does he have to be so cute!'

I close the door heading towards my closet to grab some clothes. Quickly picking out my school uniform. I head to the bathroom and take a quick
shower brushing my teeth after. And changing into my clothes.

'Should I do my hair

I shrug and fix my hair up with some gel. Picking out a bandana, and tying it to my head to make it stay a little better.

I grab my bag and head downstairs to the kitchen. Meeting Kaminari on the way down. "Hey bro! Where you going?" I say while jogging down the stairs.

"Same place you are bro." He says as he rolls his eyes.

I rub the back of my head. "Oh yea, I guess I forget sometimes." I say pumping a hand in the air.

We walk into the Kitchen seeing Midoriya and Shinsou cooking some breakfast.

We walk into the Kitchen seeing Midoriya and Shinsou cooking some breakfast

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"Hey guys, Shinsou what are you doing here?" Kaminari questions Shinsou.

"To see you of course. I had to walk over here from Class B's dorms." He says as he yawns after.

'Jeez how much sleep does this guy even get?'

Kaminari blushes at the comment. "You didn't have to really Toshi." I blink at Kami.

As I whisper yell at him. "Your dating Shinsou?!" Denki blushes even harder. "Uh well yea....We started dating about around the time you and Bakugou did..."

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