{Field Trip} •Day 3•

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•~~~•5:26 am. Thursday. Bakugou's POV•~~~•

I wake up way to early like I always do still not being able to go back to sleep. I rub my eyes getting out of Eijiro's grip and sliding my way past him. I tried not to panic becuase being up this early makes me uneasy. So I make my way down stairs quietly trying not to make a sound hoping I could find something to keep my occupied, until I run into somebody.

"Ow!" As I see a mop of messy pink hair, run into me. "Oh hey Baku! What are you doing?"
She has stacks of snacks and drinks in her hands. I fidget with my hands nervously rubbing hand in the back of my head. "-M couldn't sleep. Woke up really early." I look at her weirdly, before asking

"Uhm what are you doing?" She looks down at all the food in her hands.

"Well...a few of people in our class decided they wanted to hang out, outside on the fire escape stairs. It's mostly the Dekusquad."

The hotel is built like an apartment complex. It has Fire escapes and Mini Stairways to get down in case of fires. It's a really nice Hotel though a lot of really important people stay here sometimes. Usually people who don't care just go out and sit their sometimes since there always accessible.

She looks deep in thought before asking, "You wanna join?" she says as she gives a questioning look holding the snacks in her hands out to me in a opening manor.

I give her a shrug and a nod as I have nothing better to do than sit and watch them talk. I grab a few of the items so she doesn't drop anything on the floor and we have to clean it up because of her stupidity.

We head down the creepily darkly lit hallway as we make our way to her room. She opens her window going through it with ease.

She carefully makes her way up the iron stairs, making sure she doesn't drop anything.

I climb through the window closing it in the process to make sure nothing gets inside.

"Hey guys! I brought another guest!" everyone quietly cheers, as I make my way towards them, following mina to where they were sitting.

"Hey guys! I brought another guest!" everyone quietly cheers, as I make my way towards them, following mina to where they were sitting

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"Hey Kacchan!" I wave slightly as I sit down next to Mina.

Mina's room is closer to the ground than you would think. The stairway is about only a few feet off the ground to her room.

A few people look at me uneasy since I never talk to them unless i'm in a pissed off mood. Some scoot over away from me to avoid getting yelled at. My anxiety pools in the bottom of my stomach making me feel uneasy.

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