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•~~~•6:16 am. Sunday. Bakugou's POV•~~~•

Today's the day! I'm so excited to finally show Eijiro I care about him!! I got up extra early today..probably cause I couldn't sleep again but that's ok! I quickly go into the bathroom. Noticing the dark eye bags under my eyes.

"Yeesh.. I need to start getting something to put me to sleep or something." I say to myself taking off my clothes and hoping in the shower. I told him to meet me at the park at 8 so
hopefully he doesn't forget.

I turn off the water hoping out and toweling myself off. I spend half an hour picking out an outfit which is a problem. Since I didn't end up having that much time left. I kick on my shoes grabbing the doorframe to not fall, not forgetting my keys and phone I run out the door.

This is gonna be awesome!! I get their about 15 minutes earlier than expected as I check my phone. "I shouldn't have gotten here so early but.....you can never be to prepared." I chuckle to myself.

"BABE!" I hear seeing a blob of red running up to me and hugging me. "Hi!" He says squeezing me tightly, and showing off a shark tooth smile.

I laugh slightly, "Hi shitty hair." struggling in his grasp I finally get to annoyed. "Let me go!" I say pushing him off of me. He gives me a sheepish look, "Sorry Babe."

We walk back towards the park after getting some food from the food trucks. I didn't get much due to me strict eating diet I made myself do. But Eiji said I should go a little overboard today since it's our date.

It makes me happy when he says things like that. I feel myself blush as our knuckles brush against each other, he grabs my hand squeezing my hand softly. We walk hand in hand across the park, swinging our hands slightly back in forth in a flirty and happy manner.

They find their way back to the bench they were on. Sitting down hands still folded together watching people pass and wave. I grab a few fries from my side chewing them slowly to try and avoid any weight gain.

Kirishima notices this and pushes is food closer to the middle trying to get him to eat more. I look down noticing the movement beside me under the shaded tree. "I don't want your food shitty hair." He pouts, "Fine." He says folding his arms. I give him a suspicious look, raising my eye brow.

"Hey don't pout," I say with a pout on my
lips, I shove a french fry in his mouth. He slowly crunches the crispy potato in his mouth. He turns to me trying to grab the fries out of my hand. "Get your fucking shitty hair off of me." Pushing his face away with my hands.

"Get away!!" I say pushing him away from me and trying to hold the fries away from his and but failing miserably

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"Get away!!" I say pushing him away from me and trying to hold the fries away from his and but failing miserably. "No fair!! I didn't even get any fries!"

I laugh a genuine laugh. Giving him the french fries to eat. Nom. Nom.

He happily chews the crispy potatoes, swaying his feet slightly back in forth. "What do you wanna do?" I say leaning my head in his shoulder as he eats silently. He looks around for a bit. Before he spots something.. "How about the playground!" He says getting up and pulling me off the bench.

"Woah! Ok slow down!" I say as he runs towards it letting go of my hand and climbing the monkey bars.

I laugh, "Your such a fucking child." He laughs jumping off of them and pulling me towards the slide.

"Go! I'm pushing you down this thing whether you want to or not."
The slide was taller and steeper than it should be for a children's playground. I sigh climbing up with him right behind me I sit down and my hands up. "Weeee." I said with a dead tone

"Wowww babe that was amazing." He says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He gets behind me and pushes me down. "WAIT WAIT-.." I say clutching onto him. He laughs as we slid down, I start laughing as we make our way down.

He hugs me from behind, Laughing into my ear. "Your suck a loser." I say laughing with him. He nuzzles into my neck softly. "I'm your dork," he says  quietly kissing my neck with love. I giggle at the act of affection. "I love you.." Eijirou says.

I kiss his cheek. "I love you too." We get off the slide, sitting on the stairs talking quietly about different thing. He rubs my hand softly with his thumb, kissing it every so often.

We talk about what happened with Todoroki. Realizing we seriously need to talk to him and maybe get him some mental health. His father might be taking a toll on him. The physical and verbal abuse is very damaging.

"Hey Kat..Do you wanna meet my parents?" I blush realizing I would have to meet his parents sooner or later. "I-..Uhm..Dont you think it might be really soon?" I say biting the skin around my nails out of nerve.

He looks done thinking his decision over again. "Yes." He says confident. I turn red, "Are you sure? What if they dont like me?"

"Of course they would like you. Who wouldn't like you?" I sigh, "Fine ok whatever you think."

He chuckles. "You know Im right." I nod, "Yea I know, Shitty hair."

We sit there for a while just watching the sunset. Feeling calm in each other's presence.

"Hey we should get going now. Kami just texted me saying they were gonna start with out us" He says with a smile pulling up form the stairs.

I need to know. Ask him. Ask him. Ask him.

"Uhm.. Did you have a good time Eiji?" He didn't. Why would he?

He grab my face making it turn up to him. "Of course I did baby." He says kissing my nose. "Do you forgive me?" I say quietly blushing slightly. 

He laughs. "Of course! I could never stay mad you!" He gives me a sharky smile.

"Now lets go! We're gonna miss playing Super Smash Bro's!"

I laugh. "Ok ok! M' coming!"

'I have the best times with you'


Hey guys! I'm really sorry I don't like this chapter at all I think I did a terrible job writing this one. I promise the next one will be better than this.

WORDS: 1107

•Chapter 15 Complete•

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