{The "End"}

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"Tell me why were here again?" The annoyed tone that the blondes voice was very apparent. "Come on you said you would help!" The couple was at a doggie adoption center. Heroes in training needed to get hours doing stuff like helping people in need without using their quirks. You can't always be dependent on your quirk as a hero.

"S' stupid! I don't see why we have to be here i'm a hero! Not a fucking vet! I should be training not cleaning cages!" As Katsuki cleans the dog cages making sure they were spotless, even if he didn't want to do it he was gonna be the best at it. "Come on babe it's only for a little you know why we have to do this. Besides you love dogs!"

Eijirou himself was more of a cat person but loves how cute Katsuki gets when he's with dogs.


And he's allergic to cats...

"Sorry babe I know.. Dont worry only about 30 mintues and then we can leave!"

*Sniffle* "Yea,yea whatever. Just hurry up hair for brains."

A knock at the front of the door alarms both of the boy's looking up and seeing the veterinarian at the door. "Hey you two, I need a favor from you guys."

"Yea sure what's up doc?" Eijiro was willing to do anything to help someone, Kat isn't so willing."

"I gotta close up soon as you know but some of the animals can't stay here. Their owners aren't suppose to pick them up till tomorrow. So do you think you can take some of the animals home? I'll provide all the food and nescities to take care of them "

"O-Oh I dont know...I'm not sure if the dorms allow animals or not."

"Yes they do idiot." I give him a quesitoning look.

"What do you mean babe?"

He gives a me a huff before responding in an annoyed voice "Koji has a bunny in his dorm. So I would think they would allow other animals in the dorms as well. Besides the Squad can just keep some of them company if there's a lot."

"Oh! Your right!," I look back at the vet giving a look of approval, "Yep! How many do we need to take with us?"

"O-Oh..Uhm..Maybe 6-10?"


"How the HELL, did we get stuck with this oh my fucking god."

The two were slowly walking too the dorm entrance with about 8 animals behind them trotting behind.

The two were slowly walking too the dorm entrance with about 8 animals behind them trotting behind

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"Awww you guys are so cute!"

"Yea yea that's great and all but someone PLEASE get this damn cat off of me! A-Achoo-!"

The squad laughs at the suffering boy. "Yea yea we got you hold on-"

Mina picks up the first cat nuzzling against his arm and Denki scoops up the other one in his arms, taking one of the cat toys on the table and twirling it around entertaining the car immensely.

Katsuki rubs his eyes and nose sniffling while leaning a little bit more towards Eijirou.
"Aw is the poor baby suffering?" He sniffles again and nods a little, his eyes are red and skin is blotchy with small red patches on his face. He now feels bad for saying that. He gets up and goes to the kitchen seeing if he can find some Benadryl for him to take. Bringing it back over to him for him to drink and hopefully feel better.

"W-Whatever." He chugs it and sneezes again.

Everyone stops. "W-wait.." Sero speaks up. "You sound just like a kitten!"

"Awwwww!!" Everyone gawks and oogles over Katsuki. "Shut up extras!! Oh my fucking god. I literallt fucking hate all of you."

Everyone in the squad yells. "No you don't!"

"I'm never fucking doing this again!"

{The End}

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