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•~~~•3:59 pm. Training Area. Baku's POV•~~~•

'This is such a bad idea.'

They just arrived at the Training Area and I already spotted Todoroki stretching in the corner. I told Eijirou to try to make amends but it might not work with Todoroki's mind set right now.

I really don't watch Eijirou to get heart I don't think I could handle that.

My thoughts take over my mind as we make our way over to Todoroki.

'What if he get hurts?'

'Will he die?'

'That can't happen.'

'I need him'

I squeeze his hand hoping he'll try and make the right decision.

'Please be ok.'

•~~~•4:04 pm. Kirishima's POV•~~~•

I can tell Bakugou's nervous I can feel him tremble against my palm and I'm not lying when I say

.....I'm a little nervous too.

I squeeze his hand for reassurance. He needs to calm down if I'm gonna do this. I walk towards Todoroki I really don't wanna talk to him maybe I can get a few punches in before I go.

"You ready?" Asks the duel-wielding boy. "Hey Todoroki can we talk for a second." I let go of Bakugou's hand. Just for second so I can talk to him.

"What backing out?" How do I even word this?

I sigh. "I wanna try to make amends with you. I really don't think we should fight."

Todoroki's huffs. "You just don't want to fight I get it fine. It's not like you were gonna win anyway." He starts to walk away but...

I'm not letting him get the last word. "You know what? No. We're fighting right now and I'm gonna show you that I can beat you fair and square."

He smirks. "Good. Now let's go." He stops for a moment, before turning around.

"Bakugou." He looks up at him with a questioning look.

"I was told to apologize to you. And since I cherish my relationship with Midoriya I'm here to say I'm sorry." Bakugou scoffs at him.

"Whatever It's not like you actually mean it. Now my boyfriend was talking to you." He growls.

Todoroki is taken aback as he didn't know the relationship between me and Katuski was like that.

Todoroki respond slowly. "It doesn't matter if you take it or not but I am sorry I shouldn't have said that. But your 'boyfriend' isn't out of it yet."

I look up at him. "Ok well you know what let's get this fight on."

"And just so you know....I won't lose."

•~~~•N o b o d y' s P O V•~~~•

The two boys head to one of the training grounds. Everyone around them stoping their exercises to watch this go down.

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