{School Days}

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•~~~•11:57 am. 4th Period. Kirishima's POV. •~~~•

I wish it was lunch already. I lay my head on my desk not paying attention to what Professor Mic was teaching. English is not my forte anyway.

I look over at the windows letting my mind wander far away from where my body was. When my eyes landed on Him.

'H-How is he so attractive?!?'

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'H-How is he so attractive?!?'

He looks so calm like this. So focused, he always did take school way to seriously but it's why he's in the Top 3 of the class. I'm too distracted with bakugou, as I didn't hear my name being called.


"KIRISHIMA!" I jump a little, almost out of my chair and stare straight ahead, a little startled. As Professor Mic looks straight at me. "Would you like to tell us what you were staring at?"

I turn a dark shade of red. "I-um...Sorry.." I say rubbing the back of my head. He shakes his head.
"It's ok just try to pay attention to the lesson and not your classmate."

The whole class laughs.

'This is so embarrassing.'

I cover my face with my arms laying my head down again. Please be lunch soon. I do one last peak over at Kat as he's staring at me now with a light tint of pink on his cheeks.

He winks and turns his head back to his notebook.

'This isn't fair. He's not allowed to do that.'

I huff poutingly, pouting for the rest of the class period.

•~~~•12:30 pm. Lunch Court. Same POV. •~~~•

The Bell rings signaling that the period ended. We wait until we are told to leave I quickly go to my locker, pitting my books away.

I walk into the Food Court grabbing a tray of food and walking over to the squads table.

"Hey guys!" I sit next to Kat putting my hand on his leg for comfort.

"What's with the distraction today Kiri? Had something on your mind, right?" Mina says with a mischievous grin.

I look down not wanting to their eyes. "Uh yea I guess..." They laugh joking around knowing, I really like Kat.

I eat my food silently sometimes commenting on what the group was talking about at the time.

My mind wanders again as my eyes land on Deku's table. My eyes connect with Todoroki's. He was staring straight at me. I glare at him.

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